Event title:
Yeongjong-do Mudflat Migratory Bird Day (2017 영종도 갯벌 철새의 날)
The event was co-hosted by GREENKOREA INCHEON(인천녹색연합), Incheon Bridge((주)인천대교) and supported by Incheon Metropolitan City(인천광역시), Incheon Metropolitan City Office of Education(인천광역시교육청), Incheon Junggu office(중구청) and EAAFP.
Around 400 students from surrounding schools.
On May 20th, ‘The 2017 Yeongjong-do Mudflat Migratory Bird Day (2017 영종도 갯벌 철새의 날)’ in Yeongjong-do mudflat was held. The event was hosted in order to celebrate the importance of the Yeongjong-do mudflats to endangered migratory birds and to also promote citizen awareness. Many activities, such as a migratory bird pictures exhibition and an environmental quiz program, were held during the event. Also, around 400 students participated in exploring the mudflats, bird watching, and a writing contest. Photos from the event can be found on the EAAFP Flickr page.
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