Event Title:
World Migratory Bird Day – Gorontalo
Biodiversitas Gorontalo (Biota)
Number of Participants:
Birdwatching: 30 participants
Educational activity (school visit): up to 515 school students and teachers
Photo exhibition: more than 300 people.
Indonesia, Biodiversitas Gorontalo (Biota) together with partners successfully organized several planned activities, including bird watching, educational activities at schools, and a migratory bird photo exhibition.
Birdwatching was carried out at three locations (Limboto Lake – Gorontalo district, Danau Bayalo-Watingo (Panua Nature Reserve) and Paseda, both in Pohuwato district). Up to 30 people participated in this event came from various backgrounds, including university students (Gorontalo State University and Gorontalo University), Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park staff (regional I Limboto), North Sulawesi Natural Resources Conservation Agency staff (regional II Gorontalo), NGOs, and communities around the birding sites. During the observation, we successfully identified 5 species at Limboto Lake including 2 species of migratory birds: White-headed Stilt(Himantopus leucocephalus) and Yellow wagtail (Motacilla flava). While in Pohuwato areas, we successfully recorded
19 species from Bayalo – Watingo, Panua and 16 species from Paseda. None
of the migratory bird species were recorded from these two locations.
Educational activities at schools were successfully conducted at three target schools: SMP Negeri 1 Telaga Jaya, Gorontalo district; SDN 13 Paguat, Pohuwato district, and SDN 71 Kota Gorontalo. Educational activities were also conducted in collaboration with Salampuan and Smart Mommy, community groups that focus on gender and children issues in Gorontalo. The total number of participants exceeded expectations. There were more than 500 people that consisted of students, teachers, and parents in attendance at this event. Educational materials included an introduction to the migratory bird species, birds migration phenomena (with an example of the birds visiting Limboto Lake), and habitat protection. All the materials were delivered through a powerpoint presentation, documentary movies, including the 2016 official WMBD video trailer, and quiz. Documentary movie of other
Sulawesi endemic wildlife (babirusa and maleo) were also played.
A three days photo exhibition was successfully conducted at two different locations, David Tonny Sport Center and Pentadio Resort, Gorontalo. With regard to the celebration of World Migratory Bird Day, more than 40 frames of migratory bird photos were displayed. Banners, posters, stickers, postcards, and maps of bird migration flyways were also displayed. Several of the WMBD properties were also printed and attracted many of visitors to take selfie photos. More than 300 people from many community groups participated in this exhibition.
Consultation meetings with relevant stakeholders, especially government officials and decision maker at both district and provincial level were conducted as part of future advocacy and policy specifically relating to the protection and conservation of migratory bird and their habitat.
Broader information dissemination on the 2017 WMBD event in Gorontalo was supported by media, online (including social media Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Path), radio and television. Some of the media coverage such as: environmental activity with Biota, particularly on migratory bird monitoring program at Limboto Lake by national television (TVRI), an interactive dialog on WMBD 2017 in Gorontalo by RRI and RH radio, WMBD 2017 coverage by GlobalTv and MetroTv, and other online news (local and national) such as: kompas.com, antaragorontalo.com, antarafoto.com, degorontalo.co, hargo.co.id.
Relevant Links:
Mencari Bangau Hitam di Gorontalo (Indonesian)
Gorontalo Rayakan Hari Migrasi Burung Danau Limboto (Indonesian)
Merayakan Hari Migrasi Burung Di Danau Limboto (Indonesian)
Biota Pamerkan Foto Burung Migran Di Danau Limboto (Indonesian)
BKSDA-burung Indonesia Ajak Anak Lestarikan Burung (Indonesian)
Pameran Foto Spesies Burung Migran (Indonesian)
Dari Peringatan Hari Burung Migran se-Dunia (Indonesian)
Peringati WMBD, Biota Gelar Birdwatching dan Pendidikan Lingkungan (Indonesian)
Lestarikan Burung Langka, Sejumlah LSM Kampanyekan Burung Migran (Indonesian)