Event Title :
Migrasi Burung di Tengah Pandemi
- Biologi Pecinta Alam dan Studi Lingkungan Hidup (BIOPALAS)
- Himpunan Mahasiswa Biologi USU (HIMABIO USU)
30th September – 2nd October, 2021
75 participants for the event, including 45 children participants for the counseling in school, and there are 30 participants for the counseling in Universitas Sumatera Utara.
The photo is taken on Bagan Serdang Coast. In the photo, we can see the children from the school, the teacher and the event organizer. © BIOPALAS
The World Migratory Bird Day is a celebration for all conservation activists working on nature biodiversity across the world. In Indonesia, migratory bird conservation activity is so low. In fact, citizens doesn’t give attention at all for the migratory birds. This is the problem that we are facing right now in our country. Also, COVID-19 became a new burden to us to face, the government has made a regulation to avoid gathering and giving no travel access to unvaccinated people. But, with the help of our university, all of us got vaccinated in time.
The event started on September 30th. The first day of our events took place in the University of Sumatera Utara. We held a counseling event with the students and citizens that registrated to attend the event. There were 30 participants attended the counseling event. The outcomes were the participants would gain birdwatching and identification technique which will be used in the field trip.
The second day of our event started on October 1st. We held a lecture at a school near the field trip site. The participants were the students from that school. there were 45 students in total. The outcomes from this event were the students got knowledge about migratory birds and also plastic wastes on the beach which will impact the migratory birds. The students were very excited about this event.
The last day of our event was held on October 2nd. The field trip took place on Bagan Serdang Beach. There were 15 participants at this event, in which 10 students from the school and 5 others were selected participants from the lecture on the first day. Field trip ran smoothly and all the participants experienced birdwatching live.
From all of our events, we are hoping that it will positively impact the Indonesia society to became more aware of migratory birds from now on. Also, the children in Indonesia are the main target for us to do education because we believe the next generation will have the power to change the world in the future.
Check the event photos [here]
Check the after Movie WMBD [here]
The outcome of the event are :
- The children are more aware for the cleanliness of the beach near the migratory bird sites.
- The participants got more knowledge about migratory birds, their migratory behavior, and how to identify them.
From the field trip, children and participants got new skills of how to do birdwatching, and recognizing what is tool to do birdwatching.
- Special thanks: US TV Sponsored filming throughout the event and PEMA USU sponsored 50 tree seeds to be planted at the school activities.
Prepared by BIOPALAS