World Migratory Bird Day 2017 – Vietnam

WMDB 2017 - Vietnam
Event Name: World Migratory Bird Day 2017 – Vietnam

Summary: The celebration of World Migratory Bird (10 May 2017) was organized in conjunction with the International Biological Diversity Day (22 May 2017) at Ha Long city, Quang Ninh, Viet Nam.

This event is one of the clusters of events which are designed and held under the cooperation of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) and the Provincial People’s Committee (PPC) of Quang Ninh Province which is best green-growth oriented province in Viet Nam.

The side events included one meeting of the Platform for Partnership on Biodiversity (PPB), which is an initiative of the Biodiversity Conservation Agency (BCA) with the view to comprehensively mobilize the engagement and contribution of all relevant national stakeholders in conservation efforts. In the focal themes of the Platform, BCA also places migratory bird conservation at wetland areas and Ramsar sites as one of the potential cooperation priorities.

The other event was one workshop entitled “Biodiversity and Sustainable Tourism” with the participation of tour agencies, NGO, INGO, institutes and the representative of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. By this chance, the discussion on sustainable ecotourism which are eco- friendly was facilitated.

Venue: Conference Hall A, the Centre of Meeting Hall of Quang Ninh Province.


Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE);

– The Provincial People’s Committee (PPC);

–  Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Quang Ninh (DONRE).

Number of participants: 300

Type of participants:

– International organizations in Viet Nam: UNDP, JICA, GIZ, USAID.

Local NGOs, INGOs: VietNature, MCD, SRC….

– Scientists, local experts;

– The Bai Tu Long Protected areas/ AHP

– School and university students;

– The local government agency: Department of Natural Resources and Environment; Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Department of Tourism and Sports.

– The Youth Union of Quang Ninh Province and the local communities


The outcomes:

  • The poster in Vietnamese on WMBD are printed in high resolution, with the size of A0 and delivering to about 150 different units, including the in line ministries and agencies at central level in Hanoi; the local relevant departments of 64 provinces across the country, the Ramsar sites, the wetlands protected areas, the Headquarter of MONRE Viet Nam in Hanoi and especially at the venue of the National celebration to WMBD and IBD 2017 at Ha Long, Quang Ninh;
  • The slogan of the WMBD and topic were communicated to Vietnamese people;
  • The WMBD day is communicated to the local community, local government, PA , other in line agencies and stakeholders in conservation sector;
  • The information on the significance of wetland of Viet Nam to the migratory birds is noted.

The conservation of migratory birds can be a thematic topic in the Platform on Partnership for Biodiversity (PPB) when the PPB implements its initiatives

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