World Migratory Bird Day 2017 – North Sumatera

WMBD 2017 - North Sumatera

Event name:
World Migratory Bird Day – North Sumatera

This event was organized by Birding Sumatera and Biology Study Club of North Sumatera University.


Time and Location:

  • This event was held on 25 May 2017.
  • The location of this event in Kafe Potret (Jl. KH Wahid Hasyim No. 90), Medan City, North Sumatera Province, Indonesia.

Number of Participants: 
This event brought together 18 people, including journalists, a photographer/videographer, members of the student community, and a university lecturer.

This event was a short documentary film screening with the title “Amazing Wings” followed by a discussion about the conservation of migratory shorebirds and their habitat in Eastern Coastal of North Sumatera Province.


Photography and videography as a hobbies or professions are currently increasing in popularity in Medan, North Sumatera. This can be marked by the emergence of photography/videography of various types; Journalism, models, art, landscape, wildlife. Campaign activities on Environmental issues can be improved with the involvement of activists of photographer or videographer in North Sumatera.

We are committed together to campaign for the conservation of migratory birds, especially shorebirds and their habitat on the eastern coast of North Sumatera Province. We encourage local governments to propose Deli Serdang District as a conservation area for migratory shorebirds.

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