The Small Grant Fund for World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) was established to provide financial support to EAAFP Partners and collaborators from EAAFP Task Forces and Working Groups who plan to organise public events and/or conservation action-oriented workshops at national or local levels through participating in the World Migratory Bird Day.

EAAFP strongly encourages EAAFP Partners and collaborators to make an application for any suitable event or development of WMBD materials in the local language that aims to raise awareness of the need for conserving migratory waterbirds and the value of their habitats in the East Asian–Australasian Flyway.

WMBD is now celebrated twice a year, on the Second Saturday in May and in October. EAAFP Secretariat highly encourages Partners to celebrate WMBD on twice a year by opening two different deadlines for the small grant applications annually. Visit EAAFP World Migratory Bird Day website [here]. 


EAAFP Partners who plan to organise an event to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day 2024 in Partner countries included in the DAC list of ODA Recipients are our priority to support (if you are not sure, please see the list of EAAFP Partners, and DAC list of ODA Recipients). If you are not the country focal point of EAAFP, please consult and plan with EAAFP focal point of your country before you apply.

Please note that this grant is to initiate a WMBD event, not to cover the costs for the existing WMBD event expenses. Applications with similar contents (location, target participants etc.) from the previous years may not be accepted.


The application form must be filled out by the applicant or the applicant’s organisation. The applicant and/or the applicant's organisation must meet the eligibility criteria set for funding assistance under the EAAFP WMBD 2024 Small Grant Programme.

For your budget planning, please note that a maximum 1,000 USD will be allocated to each country.

EAAFP World Migratory Bird Day Small Grant Fund Application (October 2024): Now Closed


The application deadline for WMBD 2024 Small Grant for October is 21st August 2024. Please submit your application via email (Word or PDF document) to [email protected] and [email protected].

After you submit your application to the EAAFP Secretariat and we successfully receive it, the approval of the successful proposal is made by the Secretariat. The applicant will hear the result within one or two weeks. Further progress will then be discussed individually. Please note that incomplete applications will not be processed.

Successful applicants have the responsibility to help translate the World Migratory Bird Day materials into their own languages. These translations will be shared on the World Migratory Bird Day website (

Successful Applicants of WMBD Small Grant Fund 2024

Successful Applicants of WMBD Small Grant Fund 2023

Successful Applicants of WMBD Small Grant Fund 2022

Successful Applicants of WMBD Small Grant Fund 2021

Successful Applicants of WMBD Small Grant Fund 2020

Successful Applicants of WMBD Small Grant Fund 2019

Successful Applicants of WMBD Small Grant Fund 2018

Successful Applicants of WMBD Small Grant Fund 2017

Successful Applicants of WMBD Small Grant Fund 2016




If you have any questions regarding the World Migratory Bird Day Small Grant Fund, please contact the Communications Officer at [email protected]