World Migratory Bird Day 2021 May Event– Indonesia (HIMPUS)

Event title:

World Migratory Bird Day 2021 event in Indonesia


Himpunan Mahasiswa Pecinta Unggas (HIMPUS)


About 300people in total including School students, teachers, or parents, University students, Researchers, Scientists, Birdwatchers, Site managers for flyway site and wetlands, and Decision or policy makers


  • The Webinar World Migratory Bird Day 2021 Indonesia was attended by 287 participants from various professional backgrounds and was successful that there were many positive opinions from the webinar participants. The minister also gave participants the opportunity to discuss and to receive a door prize in the form of a WMBD 2021 shirt.
  • Field trip, Birdwatching and Cleaning trash was attended by 25 people. It can be used as education for participants who take part in the activity by seeing first-hand the conditions of migratory bird habitat in Aceh, Indonesia.


The celebration World Migratory Bird Day 2021 in Indonesia by the Himpunan Mahasiswa Pecinta Unggas (HIMPUS) in Aceh, Indonesia was a success. Even though it is still in a pandemic situation, HIMPUS still carries out the World Migratory Bird Day every year with various public awareness activities in protecting migratory birds in the world. This celebration was held on 1-2 May 2021 and was attended by nearly 500 people.

These activities are carried out through online media and in-person activities in compliance with existing health protocols. The enthusiasm of the community is very good in celebrating World Migratory Bird Day 2021 in Indonesia. The participants were almost followed from various regions in Indonesia. The participants were students, university students, researchers and bird watchers in Indonesia. The activity also invited several presenters who are experienced in the world of migratory birds in Indonesia.

Several public awareness activities in protecting migratory birds and their habitats have been carried out by HIMPUS, namely the World Migratory Bird Day Webinar, Bird Watching and cleaning of the waterfront habitat for migratory birds in Aceh, Indonesia.

This webinar was held on May 2, 2021, at: 09.00-12.00 WIB which was held online through the ZOOM application. This webinar was completed with educational activities related to migratory birds and their habitats by experienced speakers in Indonesia, namely:

  1. Hasri Abdillah from Aceh birder and Burung Sumatera
  2. Karyadi Baskoro from Ornitologist Diponogoro University

The topic of discussion shared by Hasri Abdillah was entitled Migratory Water Birds and Habitat. Meanwhile, what Karyadi Baskoro shared were Ecology and Consevation. Hasri Abdillah in his material shared and introduced migratory water bird species that can be found in Indonesia and their habitats. Karyadi Baskoro told about the routes of migratory birds in Asia and introduced the seasons, breeding times and concepts of protection that can be done by us, especially the community..

The presenters shared education related to the basic concept of conservation in protecting migratory birds and introduced migratory birds that had been encountered in Indonesian territory from observations that had been made. This activity was attended by 287 participants from various professional backgrounds such as students, college students, researchers, bird watchers and the media.

For webinar materials (Indonesian) can be downloaded at the following link:

Bird Watching and cleaning trash was held on May 1, 2021 at 15.00-18.00 WIB in Ujong Pancu area, Banda Aceh, Indonesia. This activity was attended by 25 people who were stationed in Indonesia who were still in the COVID-19 pandemic situation so that the limitation on the number of participants was like that. However, this activity also applies existing health protocols.

The success of this event is also thanks to the cooperation of all the teams and institutions that have supported HIMPUS. Thank you for all the support from World Migratory Bird Day, the East Asian-Australian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP),Universitas Syiah Kuala, Aceh Birder, Burung Sumatera, KNKBBH Indonesia, and and the speaker and committee.

*Article prepared by EAAFP WMBD 2021 Small Grant Fund Grantee – Maulana Habibie/Student Activity Units of Veterinary Faculty, University Syiah Kuala, Indonesia: WMBD Small Grant Fund May 2021

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