World Migratory Bird Day 2021 May Event – DPRK

Event title:

World Migratory Bird Day 2021 event in DPRK


Ministry of Land and Environment Protection


About 80 people including school students, teachers or parents, researchers, scientists, site managers for flyway site and wetlands, and decision or policy makers.


Mundok Migratory Bird Reserve (MMBR) in Mundok County, South Phyongan Province in the DPRK is located in the key point of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway (EAAF) and plays critical role in the conservation of wetland ecosystem and migratory waterfowls.

The Reserve regularly supports more than 80,000 population of >120 species of migratory birds (including globally and regionally threatened species) during all seasons, especially spring and autum. For its ecological importance, the site was designated as Ramsar Site and EAAF Network Site.

During the last years, different kinds of awareness increasing activities and trainings undertook in Mundok Migratory Bird Reserve (MMBR) contributed to making better understanding on migratory bird reserves to the public and the decision-makers. Moreover, the “Swan Goose Festival” and trainings of local managing officials and local school teachers were carried out in MMBR on the occasion of “World Migratory Birds Day” in October, 2019 in collaboration with international organizations especially EAAFP; and these activities were highly appreciated by the local managers and stuff as well as local people and children.

As the number of visitors to the Mundok Migratory Birds Reserve is increasing, it is required to develop the publication assisting the visitors to identify the bird species.

On the occasion of the “World Migratory Birds Day” in 2021, the Ministry of Land and Environment Protection (MoLEP) has published and disseminated the bird photo guide leaflets “Common Birds in Mundok Migratory Bird Reserve” and “Waterfowls in Mundok Migratory Bird Reserve” so as to assist the school children and visitors to assist to observe the birds which are singing, flying and soaring around them, while enhancing their identifying skills.

The photo guide leaflet “Waterfowls in Mundok Migratory Bird Reserve” provides photos of 48 major species such as swan goose, spoonbill, red-crown crane, hooded crane, white-naped crane, Eurasian Spoonbill, great knot, bar-tailed godwit, grey plover, common shelduck, coot, relict gull and Saunder’s gull. The  “Common Birds in Mundok Migratory Bird Reserve” contains 47 photos and includes not only waterbirds but also forest and wild birds such as great reed warbler, long-tailed shrike, red-flunked buluetial, bearded tit, meadow bunting, hoopoe, broad billed roller, common kestrel, Daurian redstart, coal tit and white wagtail.

The leaflets (300 copies) were distributed to the MMBR Management Board and local schools to use it during bird-watching.

The leaflets will assist the local people and visitors including young generation to easily identify different birds with interest and inspire their interests in the birds and bird conservation. The logo of WMBD on the leaflets will also encourage the public awareness on WMBD.


The skills of the staff of MMBR Management Board, local people and school-children for field identification of different birds singing and flying around them increased.

The awareness on WMBD among the local people in MMBR is encouraged.

“Common Birds in Mundok Migratory Bird Reserve” leaflet © Ministry of Land and Environment Protection

“Waterfowls in Mundok Migratory Bird Reserve” © Ministry of Land and Environment Protection

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