The last time you heard from us about the birds that are being satellite tracked was on the 17 November last year. Why no news since? There simply hasn’t been much to report. But no news is good news.
The birds have all spent the non-breeding season at the sites they were last reported at:
- CT (green star on the map) at Zhao’an on the coast of Fujian province near the Guangdong border, in China;
- HU (blue star) at a site near Xitou in Guangdong province, also in China; and
- ET (yellow star) in the Gulf of Mottama in Myanmar, about 1,500 km further west than HU and over 2,000 km further west than CT.
All the tags are still functioning and it has been fascinating ‘watching’ the birds winter.
We’re now eagerly awaiting the first move east or north showing a bird beginning its journey to a breeding site. Stay tuned!
Original article :
To find out more about Spoon-billed Sandpiper, please visit our SBS Task Force page.
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