Read in Japanese
Dr. Shigeki Takano, Japan Black-faced Spoonbill Network
Japan Black-faced Spoonbill Network has held a Black-faced Spoonbill (BFS) event on 8th November 2015 with Kashima City government in Saga, Japan.
The event was an international exchange workshop about the migratory waterbird BFS between Korea; breeding sites and Kashima; wintering sites.
In the first session, Mayer of Kashima City and three Korean guests gave presentations about conservation and CEPA actions.
In the second session, participants watched BFS and cranes in the Hizen-Kashima tidal-flats newly designated as a Ramsar Sites in May 2015 and enjoyed box lunch there.
In the last session, all of the participant wrote the letter which says to Korean people “Let’s conserve BFS together.”
We promised to conserve BFS in corporation with Korean people.
It was a very enlightening day of the international exchange through BFS.