Waterbird ringing and AI work continue in Bangladesh

ABM Sarwar Alam (Dipu) and Sayam U. Chowdhury


Floating camps at Tanguar  Haor_Photo Credit-IUCN Bangladesh

A floating camp at Tanguar Haor [EAAF105] © IUCN Bangladesh

IUCN Bangladesh and Bangladesh Bird Club continue to work on wild bird surveillance programme for avian influenza (AI), as part of a project funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). A total of 635 individual birds were ringed in January 2017, of which 70 were ducks and waders consisting of 17 species. Like previous years the team also collected oropharyngeal and cloacal samples.


The waterbird capture, ringing, and wild bird surveillance for avian influenza took place at Tanguar Haor [EAAF105] and Hakaluki Haor [EAAF104]. Both of these seasonal freshwater wetlands support large number of migratory and resident waterbirds at risk from AI.


Species that were captured include Red-crested Pochard, Gadwall, Ferruginous Duck, Eurasian Coot, Northern Shoveler, Cotton Pygmy-goose, Painted Snipe and Jack Snipe.


Tanguar Haor_Photo Credit-IUCN   Bangladesh

Tanguar Haor © IUCN Bangladesh

The team also successfully tested catching methods including deep-water mist netting which appears to be the most suitable method to capture waterbirds in these areas.

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