On Wednesday November 8th, 2018, the EAAFP Secretariat staffs visited the Yeongheung Power Division of Korea South-East Power Co., Ltd. (KOEN_Korean_한국남동발전) located in Yeongheung island, Incheon, Republic of Korea. The visit was arranged building on the MOU signed between the EAAFP Secretariat and KOEN on August 9, 2018. The two organizations agreed to cooperate with each other for conservation of migratory waterbirds and their habitats in Incheon.
KOEN is a power company separated from Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO). Yeongheung Power Division is one hour away from Songdo, Incheon where the EAAFP Secretariat is located. It has now operated six power sites which are Samcheonpo Division, Bundang Division, Shin-Yeongheung Division, Yeongdong Division, Yeosu Division and Yeongheung Division. The installed capacity combined is 9.979MW which accounts for 10.2% of Korea’s total installed capacity (97,476MW).
Mr. Jun-seok Yu, the vice president of the Yeongheung Power Division welcomed the group. During the meeting, he presented the overview of the Yeongheung’s operation to the EAAFP colleagues. He highlighted that KOEN is leading the environment friendly power generation worldwide. According to KOEN, “with advanced environmental equipment in operation, KOEN strives to protect the environment while expanding employment and social contribution activities to develop local economy and improve the quality of life of local residents. They are also operating new & renewable energy facilities such as 2 MWp photovoltaic power plant, 12.6 MW small hydro plant, 46 MW wind power generation complex and 4MW Energy Storage System which enable KOEN to lead low carbon and green growth.”
Since the signing of the MOU, KOEN and EAAFP have cooperated in several impactful activities. On 18-20 October 2018 the EAAFP organized an international workshop on the Design and Future Management of the Proposed Songdo Wetland Centre sponsored by KOEN. The workshop brought local governments, academics, NGOs, relevant corporations and other stakeholders as well as overseas experts to share good practices for the design and future management of the proposed Songdo wetland centre. Given that the Songdo Tidal Flat Ramsar Site supports thousands of migratory waterbirds by providing a stopover for roosting and feeding during their annual migration along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway, the workshop was a very important opportunity to help the stakeholders set the right direction of the proposed Wetland Centre from the onset.
(See the news: https://eaaflyway.net/workshop-on-the-design-and-future-management-of-the-proposed-songdo-wetland-centre-2/)
Since October this year, the KOEN has also made financial contribution to facilitating an education programme for young students in Incheon. The programme titled “Incheon Winterbirds Eco School” aims to raise awareness among elementary and middle school students Incheon on conservation of migratory birds sand habitats. Facilitated by the Black faced Spoonbill network (BFS network) approximately 107 students from 4th to 9th grades are expected to benefit this education programme by end of December.
KOEN is opening its door to public through its Energy Park, a visitor’s center for education purpose. The Park had exhibition halls, theme parks, and harmony hall. People can understand how electricity and energy are generated and learn about the energy the national outlook of domestic electricity development in R.O.Korea.
EAAFP appreciates the generous support from KOEN to promote the conservation of migratory waterbirds and its habitats in Incheon and is looking forward to strengthening its cooperation in coming years.