The TOKYO-Bay Shorebirds Survey (東京湾シギチドリ一斉調査) was held on 10 May 2015 for the occasion of the World Migratory Bird Day in Japan. 33 volunteers including researchers for the Monitoring Sites of Important Ecosystems (Monitoring Sites 1000) conducted by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan, participated in. In the early afternoon they simultaneously counted shorebirds at 14 sites in Tokyo Bay, considering the whole bay as one large tidal flat.
TOKYO-Bay Shorebirds Survey was initiated in 2012 to follow up on the shorebirds surveys in the 1970s that were conducted by the Wild Bird Society of Japan. In only three surveys it has been shown that currently the number of the shorebirds is only 10% of what it used to be in the 1970s. After achieving this proof, surveys are continued to raise awareness. Surveys are conducted three times a year with the participation of about 20 volunteers each time.
The report for May 2015 is available in Japanese at: