EAAFP Secretariat
Spike attended the Celebrity Forum of the Third Shanghai International Nature Conservation Festival on the weekend of the 21-22nd October. On Saturday he gave a presentation on why we need to work together to save migratory waterbirds before an audience of local citizens, with a specific focus on Shanghai, including the need to conserve remaining natural habitats, such as the wetlands and reedbeds of Cape Nanhui. Following a field visit to EAAFP Flyway Network Site Chongming Dongtan [EAAF002] on Sunday, Spike also participated in a roundtable on nature conservation in Shanghai, including natural habitats and species and creating conservation corridors in the city. There is a plan for Chongming to create an eco-island, including potentially establishing Chongming Dongtan as a national park, and increasing species and habitat diversity on the island.
For more photos, visit EAAFP Flickr.