Closing Ceremony of Youth Think Tank Competition for EAA Flyway

After a wonderful 2-year-long journey, the Youth Think Tank Competition for the EAA Flyway is coming to an end. To celebrate the accomplishments by each team and to announce the winner of the competition, we would like to invite everyone to join our Closing Ceremony for the Youth Think Tank Competition. Join the Ceremony and listen to the 5 selected teams present their projects, interact and share their experiences about the implementation of their projects. 

Date: 22nd October 2022 (Saturday) 

Time: 3-4:30 pm KST  

Tool: Zoom 

Registration link: 

<Brief Programme>

Programme  Speakers 
Welcoming and opening remarks   Mr. Doug Watkins, EAAFP Secretariat CE
Mr. Casey Burns, Chair of EAAFP CEPA WG 
Introduction of teams and presentation 
  1. Project Lupad 
  2. Seabirds of Tubbataha: the plight of the Black Noddy (Anous minutus worcesteri) 
  3. Evaluate the effect of PBL in Environment education of rural students in China by 2-MEV 
  4. Project Dining wetland for humans and birds—an adaptive solution for bird conservation in paddy fields 
  5. Rediscover Kei Island Waterbirds 
Q & A    
Comments and sharing from advisors, judges, mentors, and youth volunteers  Advisors, judges, mentors, and youth volunteers for the Youth Think Tank Competition  
Announcement of Winner  Mr. Casey Burns, Chair of EAAFP CEPA WG 
Closing of the ceremony   


<Project Teams>

 1. Project Lupad (The Philippines)
 2. Seabirds of Tubbataha (The Philippines)
 3. New Approach of Environment Education in Dongting Lake (China)
 4. Project Dining Wetland for Humans and Birds (China)
 5. Rediscover Kei Island Waterbirds (Indonesia)



Mika Tan


ASEAN Youth Biodiversity Programme (AYBP) at the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity

Beom-Sik Yoo

Senior Advisor for Asia and Oceania of The Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands


Spike Millington

Vice President, International Programs

International Crane Foundation

Chris Rostron

International Engagement Manager

Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT)

Anastasia Cronin

Director, Youth Leadership

National Geographic

Casey Burns


EAAFP CEPA Working Group


More information about the Youth Think Tank Competition for the EAA: 

Learn more about each project:

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