The Environmental Ecosystem Research Foundation (ERF Korea), non-profit research organization based in Seoul, Ganghwa People’s Network, local civic organization in Ganghwa Island, Korea and WWF Hong Kong in collaboration with UNESCAP-ENEA and NEASPEC will organized the International Black-faced Spoonbill School in Ganghwa 2015 on 15th and 16th May in Ganghwa Island, Korea. The School will gather junior-high school students living in Ganghwa and Incheon area where the main breeding ground of Black-faced Spoonbills in Korea and educators from Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong. This Programme is to raise the awareness on Black-faced Spoonbills, the representative endangered bird in East Asia and sustainable local community living with the bird among next generation. The School will be consisted of indoor and outdoor sessions on life-cycle of Black-faced Spoonbills; main habitat type of the bird; BFS and my town; BFS friends in East Asia and; field visits. The School will conduct in English and the certificate will be given to all participated students.
Contact: Sunyoung BAK (Ms.), ERF Korea, E-mail: [email protected]