Yann Bernard
Head, Environmental Monitoring
Collecte Localisation Satellites(CLS)

ARGOS Workshop at Keio University © Cubic-i Ltd.
With 60 attendees, the 1st Asian Argos birds tracking workshop hosted by Keio University and organized by CLS Argos in Japan was a great success! Held in Tokyo on the last March 9, 2016 this workshop was aimed to make information exchange between biological and technical scientists on the current state of satellite-tracking of migratory birds as well as on the future prospectus on the relevant technology. Biological scientists were invited to give lectures on their results of satellite-tracking the migration of swans, geese, duck and hawks, and discuss about the application of their results to biodiversity conservation and to the managements of the spread of infectious diseases such as Avian Influenza. Technical scientists provided information on the developments and future capability of Argos System and satellite-transmitters.

ARGOS Workshop at Keio University © Cubic-i Ltd.
Dr. Hiroyoshi Higuchi (University of Tokyo and Keio University, Japan) as chairman of this workshop invited speakers from Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and France. High quality birds tracking studies were presented and many relevant information was exchanged. The science was truly fascinating, and new ways to cooperate were discussed. This workshop was such a success that a second seminar extended to all wildlife satellite tracking programs (not only birds) will certainly be organized in the region next year.