The Technical Sub-Committee provides scientific and technical advice to, inter alia, the Meeting the Partners, the Secretariat, and other body set up under the Partnership of any Partner. The current membership was adopted at the 11th Meeting of Partners, in 2023.

Name Position E-mail
Prof. Nick Davidson Chair [email protected]
Dr. Taej Mundkur Vice-Chair [email protected]
Dr. Chang-yong Choi Member [email protected]
Mr. Bena Smith Member [email protected]
Mr. Sayam U. Chowdhury Member [email protected]
Mr. Casey Burns Member [email protected]
Mr. David S. Melville Member [email protected]
Mr. Spike Millington Member [email protected]
Prof. Cao Lei Member [email protected]
Prof. Ir. Dewi Malia Prawiradilaga Member [email protected]; [email protected]
Invited Observers & Experts
Dr. Rob P Clay Observer [email protected]
Dr. Beom-Sik Yoo Observer [email protected]
Mr. Sergey Dereliev Observer [email protected]
Dr. Naya Brangenberg Expert [email protected]