Republic of Korea celebrates World Wetlands Day 2016 and highlights the need for mudflat restoration
Minseon Kim, Programme Officer The national celebration of World Wetlands Day was held in Seocheon on 19th-20th May 2016. Every year since 2002 , the Ministry…
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Radio Series on EAAF
A series of radio shows by ABC and BBC with Ann Jones on shorebirds and the threats to them along the East Asian–Australasian Flyway (EAAF) is available this month. Listen to the radio…
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Internationally protected areas – May 2016 e-Newsletter
Spike Millington, Chief Executive The Arctic Migratory Bird Initiative of the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF) recognizes that to save Arctic breeding migratory birds, actions…
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Workshop on Yellow Sea Ecosystem Conservation held in the Republic of Korea
Minseon Kim, Program Officer The first workshop on Yellow Sea Ecosystem Conservation was held at the National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea in Seocheon on 15 December 2015….
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江苏省滨海湿地区内潮间带淤泥质海滩(滩涂)为亚洲最大规模的同类型湿地,为勺嘴鹬、黑嘴鸥、小青脚鹬等濒危候鸟提供重要栖息地和迁徙通道,是其在东亚-澳大利西亚迁飞路线(EAAF)上重要的“加油站”。然而随着沿海开发建设速度加快,一些传统威胁因子对滨海湿地的负面影响逐步加大,同时又新增了一些威胁因素。正如《江苏省湿地保护规划(2015-2030年)》中提到的“(本省)滩涂围垦力度持续加大。本区(滨海湿地)滩涂围垦历史悠久,有效增加了可利用土地资源,促进了沿海经济发展,同时也导致滨海湿地面积急剧减少,重要野生动物栖息地不断缩减,湿地生物多样性受到威胁”。 正值一年一度世界湿地日,中华社会救助基金会下设的专项基金“让候鸟飞公益基金”发布了题为《抢救江苏东台条子泥》的关于东台滩涂保护纪录片;与此同时,澎湃新闻发文《中国“湿地危机”:大规模围填仍在进行,8亿亩红线或被突破》,强调江苏省滨海湿地正在面临着来自“百万滩涂”围垦项目的巨大威胁,其中就包括被联合国教科文组织认定为“太平洋西岸唯一未被污染的滨海湿地”的东台市沿海滩涂湿地,而东台条子泥围垦项目计划面积多达40多万亩,一期已围填10.12万亩,二期计划围垦12.67万亩,正在报备国家海洋局审批。EAAFP轮值主席、中国国家林业局野生动物保护司总工程师严旬,EAAFP首席执行官Spike Millington先生,EAAFP黄海生态区特别工作组中国代表张正旺教授,EAAFP中华秋沙鸭特别工作组主席雷光春教授分别就沿海滩涂围垦在采访中发表了自己的观点。点击查看澎湃新闻原文
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The Yellow Sea, a narrowing bottleneck for migratory birds
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