WMBD 2022 Reports
May 2022 Republic of Korea Event name: Ganghwa Big Bird Race (Ganghwa BBR) in Ganghwa, Ro Korea Organizer: Eco-Hub Mool Sae Al Participants: 120 birdwatchers from across the country Summary: From 30 April to 1 May 2022, birdwatchers from across the Republic of Korea gathered in Ganghwa Island, to participate in the 2022 <Ganghwa Big Bird Race>, organized by Moolsaeal, a local NGO. A total of 26 teams (14 competitive, 12 non-competitive), spent 24 hours searching for birds on the island. All birds observed had to be photographed and recorded using a monitoring App called 'Getbol keepers'. The judges scored and ranked teams based on the records listed on the monitoring App. Read more about their activities. For more on Ganghwa BBR visit: https://ghbbr.modoo.at/?link=cgfdi6ow Myanmar Event name: Celebration of World Migratory Bird Day through education awareness campaigns at villages near Gulf of Mottama Organizer: Nature Conservation Society-Myanmar (NCS) Participants: 104 school students, local community members from villages around the Gulf of Mottama(GoM) and members of local conservation groups from Koe Te Su village. Summary: On 10 May 2022, the Nature Conservation Society-Myanmar (NCS) organized a World Migratory Bird Day event for Primary Schools in Koe Tae Su Village, Belin Township near GoM in Myanmar. The event raised awareness on how WMBD was formed and held annually all around the world, and educated local communities about the importance of the conservation of migratory birds and wetland ecosystems. Read more about their activities. For more photos visit the NCS Facebook page: Link Mongolia Event name: World Migratory Bird Day - 2022 Organizer: Wildlife Science and Conservation Center - Mongolia Participants: 910 participants who were mostly school students Summary: Between 12 – 20 May 2022, in cooperation with WWF Mongolia, Oyu Tolgoi LLC, and high schools of every soum (area of pastureland) in the vicinity, the Wildlife Science and Conservation Center organized a series of activities to celebrate WMBD in West, South and Eastern Mongolia. Participants enjoyed activities such as a birdwatching competition and a bird drawing competition as well as ringing stations. Read more about their activities. For more on the Wildlife Science and Conservation Center. Indonesia (Jambi Province) Event name: World Migratory Bird Day in Kuala Simbur Village, Jambi Province, Indonesia Organizer: Wildlife Observer Community (WOC) Participants: Around 150 local community members and students Summary: Between 16 – 18 May 2022, the Wildlife Observer Community (WOC), based in Indonesia, successfully organized two WMBD events in Kuala Simbur Village, Indonesia. The events consisted of field visits, birdwatching, and presentations to increase public awareness. On 17 – 18 May, the project team also conducted an awareness-raising campaign in SD Negeri 22/X Kuala Simbur, for local people with the goal of providing knowledge on migratory birds and their migration to local people and children near the sites. Read more about their activities. Indonesia (Aceh) Event name: Save the Light for the Future of Migratory Birds Organizer: Aceh Bird Club Participants: 100 Students, members from the general public, bird watchers and lecturers. More than 100 participants joined in on the events. Summary: On 16 – 22 May 2022, the Aceh Bird Club celebrated World Migratory Bird Day 2022 with a series of events that were carried out offline and online. Collaborating with the Himpunan Mahasiswa Biologi (HIMABIO) with the aim of inspiring more young people to care about migratory birds and their habitats, ACB invited students, members from the general public, bird watchers and lecturers to participate in the campaign activities, including a poster design competition, a short video competition, a seminar, and bird watching. Read more about their activities. Indonesia (Sumatra) Event name: Awareness of elementary school children through visit school and art drawing competition Organizer: Wild Heritage of Sumatra Foundation (WHIS) Participants: 180 students and 19 teachers from Medang Deras Sub-regency and Lima Puluh Pesisir Sub-regency, Indonesia Summary: On 27 – 28 May 2022, the Wild Heritage of Sumatra Foundation (WHIS) conducted education programs for three elementary school students on the east coast of Batubara Regency in celebration of WMBD 2022. The activities included storytelling “Introduction to migratory shorebirds," a drawing competition, a photo exhibition and a short film screening of “Migratory Shorebirds in Batubara coastline." Read more about their activities. October 2022 Bangladesh Event name: Celebrating World Migratory Bird Day in coastal communities around Nijhum Dweep National Park – an EAAFP Flyway Network Site in Bangladesh. Organizer: Jagganath University Participants: 223 students, local community people, teachers, university students and researchers Summary: Jagannath University in Bangladesh has been organizing small to large-scale awareness campaigns to motivate and enlighten students, teachers, and the local community about the importance of conserving migratory birds and their habitats, threats to migratory birds and their ecological importance. On 6 October 2022, Jagannath University organized two World Migratory Bird Day events at two local schools, Bandartila Bazar Government Primary School and Madinatul Ulum Halimiah Madrasah, Nijhum Dweep National Park in Bangladesh. Read more about their activities. Event name: Celebration of World Migratory Bird Day 2022 in western Bangladesh Organizer: Kichir-Michir Participants: 283 students, teachers, community leaders, district officers, and community members Summary: Aiming to contribute towards the conservation of migratory birds and their habitats by mitigating threats caused by the local community along a river-adjacent area of western Bangladesh, through public awareness, educating local students and teachers and engaging the local youth to birdwatching, Kichir-Michir, with the help and presence of Bangladesh Biodiversity Conservation Federation (BBCF) organized a 2-day event in two local communities along Padma river in the districts of Kushtia and Pabna. Read more about their activities. Hong Kong Event name: World Migratory Bird Day 2022 in Hong Kong: Fishpond For Flyway – 10th Anniversary Exhibition of Fishpond Conservation Organizer: Hong Kong Bird Watching Society Participants: 50,000 participants from the general public Summary: Since 2012, Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (HKBWS) has been implementing Hong Kong Fishpond Conservation Scheme, which aims to promote fishpond conservation through habitat management, research and education. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the scheme. To celebrate the anniversary and also World Migratory Bird Day, a 3-week exhibition was held from 29 September to 19 October 2022 in TKO Plaza, which mainly targets young families nearby. Through exhibition panels, display of decoy and bird-ringing tools, we aim to promote our 10-year-effort on fishpond conservation in HK for migratory birds along EAAF, and arouse public’s awareness on importance of fishpond. Read more about their activities. Learn more about their work: website. Indonesia Event name: World Migratory Bird Day 2022 in Indonesia with HIMPUS Organizer: HIMPUS (Poultry Lovers Association) Participants: More than 500 Students, Researchers and Birdwatchers Summary: The World Migratory Bird Day 2022 celebration this October was organized by HIMPUS (Poultry Lovers Association) Veterinary Medicine students at Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, implementing various awareness activities that focus on community awareness and approaches for children in Aceh, Indonesia. The celebration of World Migratory Bird Day 2022 in October began with a kindergarten coloring competition held at Bungong Seulepouk Early Childhood School in Banda Aceh on 1 October 2022. Read more about their activities. Malaysia Event name: Celebration of World Migratory Bird Day 2022 in Malaysia – The Wonders of Bird Migration Around the Globe Organizer: International Centre from University Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA), Malaysian Nature Society (MNS), Terengganu Branch and the University of Tripoli, Libya Participants: 115 participants from UniSZA and Libya Summary: The International Centre from University Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA),Malaysian Nature Society (MNS), Terengganu Branch and the University of Tripoli, Libya, organized an outing where 50 participants spent the morning birdwatching and recording migratory and residential bird species on campus. Read more about their activities. Myanmar Event name: World Migratory Bird Day in Nanthar Island Marine National Park, Rakhine State Organizer: Nature Conservation Society-Myanmar (NCS) Participants: 93 participants from NCS-Myanmar, RBANCA, Aung Daing Village, Local Security Police Force and Research and Development Youths’ Society (RDYS-Sittwe) Summary: Nature Conservation Society-Myanmar (NCS) in cooperation with Rakhine Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Association (RBANCA) and the Forest Department organized the second World Migratory Bird Day event for 2022 at the Buddhist monastery, Aung Daing village, Sittwe Township near Nanthar Island and Mayu Estuary Ramsar Site in Myanmar on 14 October 2022. Read more about their activities. Event name: Welcoming the migratory bird for the first time at Paleik Lake in Mandalay region, central Myanmar Organizer: Biodiversity And Nature Conservation Association, Myanmar (BANCA) Participants: 60 participants from all walks of life, mostly farmers and laborers Summary: On 1 October 2022, Biodiversity And Nature Conservation Association collaborated with the Shwe Kantharyar Nature Conservation Association, a community- based organization in Pyu Lake, and celebrated the first time of world migratory bird day event at the temple in Paleik village in Paleik village tract near the Paleik Lake is situated at the Singaing township, Kyaukse district in Mandalay region, central Myanmar. Read more about their activities. The Philippines Event name: Celebration of World Migratory Bird Day 2022 in Philippines – “Learning Event and Exhibit” by Ibaraki Academy Organizer: Ibaraki Academy Participants: 150 Students from universities, different organizations, children, friends, and family Summary: The Ibaraki Academy celebrated World Migratory Bird Day 2022, on 8-9 October 2022. The event, “Learning Event and Exhibit” was held at Veranza Mall, General Santos City, Philippines, and was divided into two parts the first being a learning event, and the second an exhibit. Read more about their activities.
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Ministry of Environment of Ro Korea Celebrated 2022 World Migratory Bird Day
On 19th May 2022, the…
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EAAFP Secretariat signs MOU with Seoul Science Center, Ro Korea
Dr. Jung-Kyu Lee, Head of the Seoul Science Center (SSC) and Mr. Doug Watkins, Chief Executive of the…
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Celebrating 2022 World Migratory Bird Day in Kuala Simbur Village, Jambi Province, Indonesia
Wildlife Observer Community (WOC) based in Indonesia was founded in 2017. Since then, WOC has been working on data collection, observation, research and conservation. In order to motivate and raise awareness amongst people and local community, WOC has been organizing awareness campaigns in Sumatra. Celebrating World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) was one of the campaigns. Promotion of WMBD to local students ©️ WOC Under WOC regular conservation activity programme this year, the organization successfully organized two WMBD events in Kuala Simbur Village, Muara Sabak Timur, Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency, Jambi Province, Indonesia between 16 and 18 May 2022: field visit and birdwatching, and public awareness. Bird watching activity ©️ WOC A Field visit and Birdwatching was carried out in the Kuala Simbur Village, Muara Sabak Timur, Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency, Jambi Province, Indonesia as a place to observe migratory waterbirds for the first time. During the activity, the team did not find any large flocks of migratory waterbirds but found permanent migratory birds and some resident waterbirds. This can still be used as education for participants who took part in this activity by seeing the real conditions of migratory bird habitat in Kuala Simbur Village, Muara Sabak Timur, Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency, Jambi Province, Indonesia. The participants were very enthusiastic in participating in this activity. ©️ WOC WOC also organized an awareness-raising campaign among the local people and students close to the habitat of migratory birds. On 17 – 18 May, the project team conducted an awareness-raising campaign in SD Negeri 22/X Kuala Simbur, Madrasah Aliyah Bustanul Ulum, for local people. The goal of this activity was to provide knowledge on migratory birds and their migration to local people and children near the site. Village kids doing bird watching ©️ WOC The project team also met the Head of Kuala Simbur Village and he was very enthusiastic about this event because they provide knowledge to the surrounding community about migratory birds where the presence of migratory birds must be maintained by maintaining their habitat and dimming the lights.
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2022 World Migratory Bird Day Celebration in West, South and Eastern Mongolia
The celebration of World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) 2022 in Mongolia by Wildlife Science and Conservation Center (WSCC) in West, South and Eastern Mongolia was a success. WSCC, Mongolia has been celebrated WMBD since 2010s by small grants or organization’s own funds every year with various public awareness activities following each year’s WMBD theme and slogan. Demo talk how to use opticals, Southern Mongolia ©️ Wildlife Science and Conservation Center - Mongolia The celebration was organized between 12 – 20 May in Western, Eastern and Southern Mongolia, supported by EAAFP WMBD small grant and cooperation with WWF Mongolia, Oyu Tolgoi LLC, and high schools of every soum (area of pastureland) in the vicinity. All three sites were very special places for migratory birds and thus, it is very important to involve local kids and teachers to explain the bird species around the home. Students bird watching, Western Mongolia ©️ Wildlife Science and Conservation Center - Mongolia Demonstration talk of how, why we ring birds, Western Mongolia ©️ Wildlife Science and Conservation Center - Mongolia Over 910 participants have been reached out through this event to share about bird research and migratory birds’ conservation, especially how to deal with light pollution to protect migratory birds and other animals. Many of the school students joined this kind of activities for the first time to learn about WMBD, and they would keep this memory of the event in their hearts. Releasing Siberian Rubythroat, Eastern Mongolia ©️ Wildlife Science and Conservation Center - Mongolia Two competitions, birdwatching competition and bird drawing competition, were very attractive to all kids, and they enjoyed learning about birds and bird migration through these two competitions. Most importantly, the two ringing stations also tremendously aided in the learning - on bird study and conservation - for all attendees and their knowledge have greatly strengthened for their future, proven by the fact that several students have been started volunteering as an assistant ringer position when they have free time afterschool. Children heading out for the bird ringing activity, Eastern Mongolia ©️ Wildlife Science and Conservation Center - Mongolia Drawing competition in progress at the Khurkh BRS, Eastern Mongolia ©️ Wildlife Science and Conservation Center - Mongolia Information leaflets were distributed among all participants in E and Western Mongolia. A total 12 winners of two competitions were rewarded with education materials such bird guidebook and wildlife conservation related books and painting materials. Presentations in Western Mongolia ©️ Wildlife Science and Conservation Center - Mongolia In the Western Mongolian activities were supported by WWF Mongolia, and they helped us with arranging education materials and rewards for the contest winners. Mongolian Bird Watching club members celebrated Global Big Day on 14 May as well, Team Mongolia observed 254 species in 24 hours, and was one of the biggest successes among the team members. They are very proud of their bird’s species diversity and were encouraged by our results which was 4th place in the Asia and 16th place in the world team rank. Many young members of the Team Mongolia were motivated for bird watching and delighted by our team efforts for Global Big Day. Students birdwatching, Southern Mongolia ©️ Wildlife Science and Conservation Center - Mongolia Team recording what they saw, Southern Mongolia ©️ Wildlife Science and Conservation Center - Mongolia Article prepared by Mongolia by Wildlife Science and Conservation Center (WSCC).
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Ganghwa Big Bird Race for 2022 World Migratory Bird Day
From 30 April to 1 May 2022, the <Ganghwa Big Bird Race> was organized by Moolsaeal, a local NGO, on Ganghwa Island, Republic of Korea. A total of 26 teams, 110 birdwatchers from across the country (14 competitive, 12 non-competitive) spent 24 hours searching for birds in Ganghwa Island. Unlike normal birding competitions, all birds observed must be photographed and uploaded to a monitoring App called 'Getbol keepers'. With the records listed on this monitoring App, the judges score and rank them. The competition, which began with a congratulatory greeting from EAAFP Chief Executive Mr. Doug Watkins, followed by the lectures introducing Ganghwa birding places and instructions of the race. The BBR then kick-started in the heated atmosphere. Group Photo of Participants and Organization Committee ©️ 2022 Ganghwa Big Bird Race Organization Committee Families and EAAFP secretariat staff, who participated in the non-competition section, then attended a lecture by the organizer to learn about common bird species. Then they visited rice paddies and mudflats with professional birding guides for bird watching. At the end of the first day, there was a music performance to celebrate the event, followed by a sharing section in which all the teams were introduced and expressed their feeling for joining the Ganghwa BBR. Families participating in the non-competitive Birdwatching section ©️ 2022 Ganghwa Big Bird Race Organization Committee EAAFP Secretariat Staff at Ganghwa BBR ©️ 2022 Ganghwa Big Bird Race Organization Committee During the BBR, teams observed a total of 581 photo records and 102 bird species for two days. The first-place team scored 75 points (69 records + 6 additional points for protected species), the second-place team scored 56 points (51 records + 5 additional points for protected species), and the third-place team scored 55 points (51 records + 4 additional points for protected species). Participants for the competitive section ©️ 2022 Ganghwa Big Bird Race Organization Committee Families participating in the non-competitive section ©️ 2022 Ganghwa Big Bird Race Organization Committee Some sharing from the participants:Mr. Rahul Teku Vaswani and his family, from India, saw a black-faced spoonbill biting a giant frog and said, “It’s so amazing. The colors and patterns made by nature are really beautiful.” Another participant said, "There were not many birds this year. Continuous monitoring is needed, whether it is due to climate change or other environmental factors. We expect more people to participate next year.” For more on Ganghwa BBR (in Korean) https://ghbbr.modoo.at/?link=cgfdi6ow Article prepared by Moolsaeal.
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Celebrating 2022 World Migratory Bird Day in Villages near the Gulf of Mottama, Myanmar
Group photo of the participants to the WMBD 2022 at GoM ©️ NCS On 10 May 2022, Nature Conservation Society-Myanmar (NCS) organized the World Migratory Bird Day(WMBD) event for 2022 in Basic Education Primary School, Koe Tae Su Village, Belin Township near Gulf of Mottama(GoM) in Myanmar with financial support from EAAFP WMBD Small Grant Fund. The purpose of organizing this event was to raise awareness in local communities on how WMBD was formed and held annually all around the world, and to educate the local communities about the importance of the conservation of migratory birds and wetland ecosystems. A total of 104 participants joined the event and most of participants were school students and local communities from villages around GoM. Members of Local Conservation Groups (LCG) from Koe Te Su village have also joined the event. Presentation on WMBD and the theme, Light Pollution©️ NCS The event started with visual presentations about the history of WMBD, annual celebrations, the theme of this year - light pollution, and migratory shorebirds, wetland conservation and Ramsar sites were presented. The “Migratory Bird” song and video clips of the six EAAFP Flyway Network Sites in Myanmar and light pollution were shown. The team presented the mangrove forest status and its conservation in Myanmar. Quiz and games were included in the event with an online platform, covering the critically endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper (SBS), light pollution and migratory birds. the. Questions were shown on the screen and participants were encouraged to the answer quickly. The participants whowere the first to answer correctly won prizes. School students aged between 5 and 10 played the Spoon-billed Sandpiper (SBS) finding game and kids who could find the greatest number of SBS were awarded. Kids playing the Spoon-billed Sandpiper finding game ©️ NCS Awarding participants who could answer the quiz ©️ NCS Local communities and students were more aware of the theme of WMBD for this year especially the value of the natural dark, increasing light pollution, the impacts of the light pollution on migratory birds and nocturnal animals. They also learned about the six Ramsar sites in Myanmar and their importance in their livelihoods. Participants have also observed the conservation status of the threatened species including the Critically Endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper that migrate to the Gulf of Mottama and the efforts of local and international organizations working for the conservation. The audience were fascinated by such a little bird to migrate over thousands of kilometres. They were aware that the migratory birds are fully protected under Myanmar Conservation of Biodiversity and Protected areas Law. Participants enjoyed the songs, presentations and videos, had fun during the quiz and game session. T-shirts with the 2022 WMBD global poster printed on the front were distributed to the participants as souvenirs. Participants during the Presentation on the Conservation of Migratory Birds and Wetlands ©️ Nature Conservation Society-Myanmar Article prepared by Nature Conservation Society-Myanmar (NCS).
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WWF-Hong Kong celebrates World Migratory Bird Day with Earth Hour Concert
In celebration of the World Migratory Bird Day on 14 May, WWF-Hong Kong hosted an online concert featuring popular Hong Kong artists to raise awareness of migratory birds and wetland conservation. This year’s focus of the World Migratory Bird Day is “Light Pollution” to address this growing threat to migratory birds. The theme is aligned with Earth Hour’s concept, each year, people across the world join hands to switch off their non-essential lights for one hour for our nature. The online concert is an extension of Hong Kong’s Earth Hour event under the theme “Habits Protect Habitats”, calling for public support to change our habits and take action now to create positive impacts on our planet. Photo Credit: © WWF-Hong Kong The concert started with an introduction to World Migratory Bird Day and highlighted the importance of wetland conservation. 12 celebrities performed 18 songs and participated in mini-games that related to conservation and sustainable living. The event has received a positive impact, more than 3,000 people joined and supported the concert. Besides, an Earth Hour MV “Dear future self in 10 years” was also released featuring Earth Hour ambassadors and kids, with beautiful nature scenes of Mai Po and soundbites advocating for nature conservation and changing our habits. Meanwhile, WWF-Hong Kong has also collaborated with East Asian – Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) and launched an updated Education Pack “Lolo’s Flying Journey” about Black-faced Spoonbill. Our education team has been using this tool virtually through engaging Zoom sessions to educate Hong Kong students, despite the COVID restrictions during the past three months. These activities have received positive feedback from students and teachers. The online learning and teaching materials developed by WWF-Hong Kong can be found here. Both Earth Hour and World Migratory Bird Day are not just about an hour or a day, it’s about committing every day to safeguard our nature and change the way we live. COVID has shown how connected our world is now but also how fragile it can be. Forests are fragmenting, rivers and streams no longer flow as they use to and wetlands are disappearing. We need to reflect on what we have done to nature and how we can fix it. There’s no time to waste and we have to act now to change our habits, even from the most simple things like “dim the lights”, together, it’s still possible to turn the tide and create a nature-positive world. Photo Credit: © William Yeung / WWF-Hong Kong Article prepared by Karen Zhang from WWF-Hong Kong.
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