Watch the award-winning movie
to help conserve wetlands! EAAFP Foundation is pleased to invite you to the special screening of <Sura: A love Song > at CGV Incheon Yeonsu on 15 April at 10:30 am. <Sura> is a documentary about the Sura Tidal Flat, which is the last remaining tidal flat in the Saemangeum reclamation area in Ro Korea. Over the period of 30 years, area of tidal flats same as the size of two-thirds of Seoul, have been destroyed to make new dry land in Saemanguem, many migratory waterbirds, including Critically Endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper, disappeared from the site Sura Tidal Flat could be reclaimed at any time to build a new military airport, but globally endangered and protected species still call it home. The movie is telling the story of a citizen who loves the birds and devoted to protect the last piece of wetland Sura. In this special screening hosted by EAAFP Foundation and BFS Eco-Center, you will see the life of the migratory waterbirds and other organisms in the Sura Tidal Flat besieged by the constant threat of reclamation and the people who are fighting for the restoration of the tidal flat. The screening will then be followed by a dialogue with the film director and a youth monitoring member and an optional, first-come, first-served, Black-faced Spoonbill (IUCN status: Endangered) birdwatching program at Namdong Reservoir in Incheon. English subtitles and interpretation will be provided. *Pre-registration is required. Synopsis: In the tidal flats dried up by reclamation projects, Dong-pil, a citizen scientist, records the remaining birds in photographs. He cannot forget the enchanting group dance of shorebirds that he saw a long time ago. Filmmaker Yun hears Dong-pil’s story and feels his fascination conveyed to her. She resumes making a documentary, which she gave up on in the past. Date: 15 April, 2023 (Sat) 10:30 am Venue: CGV Incheon Yeonsu Hall 3 Organizers: EAAFP Foundation, <Sura> producers, BFS Eco-Center Registration: Scan the QR code or follow the link [https://forms.gle/gMtJpVAxUaeQxoFy5] Registration Deadline: 14 April 2023 Entry fee: KRW 24,000 (*Part of the fee will be donated for the conservation of migratory waterbirds and their habitats and for making the small gifts for the participants) Souvenirs for the participants Program Contact: EAAFP Foundation ([email protected] | 032-458-6507) [Korean version] [관객이 만드는 특별시사회: 당신의 수라는 무엇입니까?]에 초대합니다 (인천연수 CGV, 4/15) 간척으로 말라버린 갯벌에서, 시민과학자 동필은 남아있는 새들을 사진으로 기록한다. 그는 오래전 보았던 도요새의 군무를 잊지 못하고 그리워한다. 영화감독 윤은 동필의 이야기를 듣고 매혹이 전이되는 것을 느낀다. 그녀는 과거에 포기했던 영화를 다시 만들기 시작한다. 인간과 동물의 공생을 모색하고 환경 생태 운동에 지속적인 관심을 두어온 황윤 감독이 운명처럼 ‘새만금의 도시’ 군산으로 이사를 갔다. 십수 년 전 새만금척사업으로 갯벌에 관한 영화를 찍다가 덮었던 그였다. <수라>는 20여년간 활동을 이어온 새만금시민생태조사단과 걸음을 같이하며 갯벌의 아름다움을 재발견하는 과정을 담았다. 여기에는 내셔널지오그래픽 영상을 능가하는 미려한 이미지들로 가득하다. 감독은 카메라 뒤가 아니라 프레임 안에서 그걸 지켜본다. 친밀하고 진솔한 1인칭 보이스오버를 따라 수라 갯벌의 작고 아름다운 생명체들을 보는 일은 분명 경이로운 경험이지만, 영화는 남아있는 것들에서 어떤 시급함, 절박함도 보길 요청한다. 마지막 씬의 장관, ‘도요새의 군무’가 잊기 힘든 이유이기도 하다. 출처: 네이버 영화 줄거리 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 재단법인 EAAFP, 영화<수라> 제작진, 저어새 생태학습관이 함께 주최하는 <수라> 특별시사회가 4월 15일 인천연수 CGV에서 열린다. 시사회는 영화관람 후 관객과의 대화와 별도의 사전신청이 필요한 저어새 탐조 프로그램으로 진행될 예정이다. 영문자막과 통역이 제공되므로 누구나 참여 및 연사들과 소통할 수 있다. <수라> 특별시사회는 사전신청자에 한해 참여가능하다. 사전신청을 마친 신청자에게 신청 확정 이메일이 발송되며, 4월 14일까지 신청 가능하다. 일시: 2023년 4월 15일(토) 오전 10:30 주최: 영화<수라>제작진, 재단법인EAAFP, 저어새생태학습관 장소: 인천연수CGV 3관 참가비: 24,000원/ 만18세미만 18,000원 (*참가비 일부는 기념품 증정 및 이동성 물새와 서식지 보전을 위해 재단법인EAAFP에 기부됩니다./ 참가비 전액 기부금 영수증 발행) 등록: QR코드 스캔 또는 아래 신청하기 버튼 클릭 후 구글 폼 제출(~4/14) 프로그램: 영화관람, 관객과의 대화, 조류생태환경프로그램 (영문자막 및 통역 제공) 문의: 재단법인EAAFP ([email protected] | 032) 458-6507) 재단법인EAAFP 정기기부자들께는 좌석 우선선택권과 조류생태환경프로그램 등록 우선권의 혜택이 주어집니다. 신청하기 영문포스터 보기 예고편 보기 감독인사말 보기
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Winner of the Youth Think Tank Competition for the EAA Flyway revealed!
After a wonderful 2-years, the Youth Think Tank Competition for the EAA Flyway came to a close on Saturday 22nd October 2022. To extend the momentum of 2020 Flyway Youth Forum which became the first spark for dialogue amongst youth in the EAA Flyway on conservation of wetlands and migratory waterbirds, the Youth Think Tank Competition for the EAA Flyway was launched on August 2021 to encourage and enable youth to actively engaging in conservation. Taking in the feedback from the forum participants, who commented that they wanted further opportunities to actively take part in wetland and migratory bird conservation, the EAAFP Secretariat, with the help of various advisors from the partnership, organized the Competition to provide the opportunity to fulfil the needs. The competition was targeted at Youth between the ages 18-29. During Phase I, a total of 37 applications from 14 countries were submitted. Each project was carefully reviewed by the esteemed judge panel. Eventually, 5 selected teams from China, the Philippines, and Indonesia would receive funding from the Secretariat to implement their projects. The result was announced in December 2021: 1. Project Lupad (Philippines) 2. Seabirds of Tubbataha (Philippines) 3. Environmental Education in Dongting Lake (China) 4. Dining Wetlands for Humans and Birds (China) 5. Rediscover Kei Islands (Indonesia) To help guide the youths with their projects, each team was assigned a mentor, who would coach them along the project implementation. The mentors were helped them to tackle various challenges they faced, one of which proved to be the COVID pandemic. All teams are able to overcome the challenges and successfully implemented their projects from January to October 2022. The second part of the programme is capacity building. The EAAFP Secretariat, with support from recruited 4 youth volunteers and EAAFP interns which formed the Youth Organizing Team, organized workshop series of 4 sessions, inviting distinguished speakers and trainers to cover key topics: 1) Understanding global agenda for environment and how youth are engaged 2) Engaging Local Communities in Conservation of Migratory Waterbirds and Wetlands 3) Project Management 4) Conservation Communication and Story Telling. Most workshops comprised of a webinar and an in-depth training workshop. The 4-part workshop series reached a total of 75 different participants from 16 countries within and beyond the Flyway. The Pre- and Post-workshop surveys filled out by the participants of each workshop indicated an increase in knowledge and skills for each topic and the majority of participants also expressed that they found the workshops to be useful in their line of work. On 22nd October, project teams, mentors, judges, and many others gathered for the Closing Ceremony. The ceremony kicked off with opening speeches from Mr. Doug Watkins, Chief Executive of the EAAFP Secretariat and Mr. Casey Burns, EAAFP CEPA Working Group Chair, followed by a short summary presentation of the Competition by Ms. Vivian Fu, EAAFP Communication Officer, who headed the entire competition. Each team then gave 10–15-minute presentations on their projects. After that, the Grand Final Winner selected by the judges was announced by Mr. Doug Watkins. And the Grand Final Winner was Team “Dining Wetlands for Humans and Birds” from China. Image: Winning Team “Dining Wetlands for Humans and Birds" with Mr. Doug Watkins, EAAFP Chief Executive and Mr. Chris Rostron, one of the judges of the Competition The winning team will be awarded an opportunity to join an international events (e.g. Ramsar COP14) and will also be offered a position as a youth representative for the CEPA Working Group. Those who attended the closing ceremony left amazed and moved by the creativity and capabilities of the 5 youth teams. Youth Think Tank Competition once again proves the importance and strength of youth in the conservation field. Following the success of the programme, the Secretariat will continue to find further opportunities for youth to engage in EAAFP work and activities. Image: Closing Ceremony Group Photo We would like to express our gratitude to the advisors: Mark Edison Raquino (Global Youth Biodiversity Network – South East Asia); Suh Seung Oh, Ramsar Regional Center -East Asia; Tomoko Ichikawa, Ministry Of Environment Japan; Yamme Leung, World Wide Fund – Hong Kong; Casey Burns, EAAFP CEPA Working Group; Gab Mejia, Youth Engaged in Wetland, Josefa Cariño Tauli, Global Youth Biodiversity Network. The mentors: Ding Li Yong, BirdLife International (Asia Division); Terry Townshend, Paulson Institute; Sayam U. Chowdhury, EAAFP Spoon-billed Sandpiper Task Force, Micha Jackson, The University of Queensland. Our special thanks goes to the honorable judges: Mika Tan from ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity; Beom-Sik Yoo, The Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention; Spike Millington, International Crane Foundation; Chris Rostron, Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT); Anastasia Cronin, National Geographic; and Casey Burns, EAAFP CEPA Working Group. We would also like to thank the amazing organizing team: Ho Bun Yu (Orca), Jord Gadingan, Thura Htike, Frances Alvares (designer) and from the Secretariat Yoomi Sim, Sinwoo Won, Yoonjae Bae, Yuji Lim, Yeonju Park, Hyoin Kim, Sewon Lim, Yunjoo Cho and Yoon Lee. For more on the Youth Think Tank Competition For playback of each workshop: Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3
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Closing Ceremony of Youth Think Tank Competition for EAA Flyway
After a wonderful 2-year-long journey, the Youth Think Tank Competition for the EAA Flyway is coming to an end….
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4th Training Workshop of Youth Think Tank Competition for EAA Flyway Conservation Communication and Storytelling
Objectives Communication and storytelling play a key role in conservation. To better equip youth, especially future conservation leaders, with skills in storytelling and scientific…
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EAAFP Secretariat signs MOU with Seoul Science Center, Ro Korea
Dr. Jung-Kyu Lee, Head of the Seoul Science Center (SSC) and Mr. Doug Watkins, Chief Executive of the…
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Celebrating 2022 World Migratory Bird Day in Villages near the Gulf of Mottama, Myanmar
Group photo of the participants to the WMBD 2022 at GoM ©️ NCS On 10 May 2022, Nature Conservation Society-Myanmar (NCS) organized the World Migratory Bird Day(WMBD) event for 2022 in Basic Education Primary School, Koe Tae Su Village, Belin Township near Gulf of Mottama(GoM) in Myanmar with financial support from EAAFP WMBD Small Grant Fund. The purpose of organizing this event was to raise awareness in local communities on how WMBD was formed and held annually all around the world, and to educate the local communities about the importance of the conservation of migratory birds and wetland ecosystems. A total of 104 participants joined the event and most of participants were school students and local communities from villages around GoM. Members of Local Conservation Groups (LCG) from Koe Te Su village have also joined the event. Presentation on WMBD and the theme, Light Pollution©️ NCS The event started with visual presentations about the history of WMBD, annual celebrations, the theme of this year - light pollution, and migratory shorebirds, wetland conservation and Ramsar sites were presented. The “Migratory Bird” song and video clips of the six EAAFP Flyway Network Sites in Myanmar and light pollution were shown. The team presented the mangrove forest status and its conservation in Myanmar. Quiz and games were included in the event with an online platform, covering the critically endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper (SBS), light pollution and migratory birds. the. Questions were shown on the screen and participants were encouraged to the answer quickly. The participants whowere the first to answer correctly won prizes. School students aged between 5 and 10 played the Spoon-billed Sandpiper (SBS) finding game and kids who could find the greatest number of SBS were awarded. Kids playing the Spoon-billed Sandpiper finding game ©️ NCS Awarding participants who could answer the quiz ©️ NCS Local communities and students were more aware of the theme of WMBD for this year especially the value of the natural dark, increasing light pollution, the impacts of the light pollution on migratory birds and nocturnal animals. They also learned about the six Ramsar sites in Myanmar and their importance in their livelihoods. Participants have also observed the conservation status of the threatened species including the Critically Endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper that migrate to the Gulf of Mottama and the efforts of local and international organizations working for the conservation. The audience were fascinated by such a little bird to migrate over thousands of kilometres. They were aware that the migratory birds are fully protected under Myanmar Conservation of Biodiversity and Protected areas Law. Participants enjoyed the songs, presentations and videos, had fun during the quiz and game session. T-shirts with the 2022 WMBD global poster printed on the front were distributed to the participants as souvenirs. Participants during the Presentation on the Conservation of Migratory Birds and Wetlands ©️ Nature Conservation Society-Myanmar Article prepared by Nature Conservation Society-Myanmar (NCS).
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Red-crowned Crane Birdwatching Event at Ganghwa Island, Ro Korea with GCF and Irang
On 27 February, the EAAFP Secretariat and 5 staff of Green Climate Fund (GCF) participated in the Red-crowned Crane Birdwatching event organized by Eco Edu hub Irang which is…
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The Philippines filed “National Wetlands Conservation Act’ on 2021 World Wetlands Day
As a Contracting Party of the Ramsar Convention, the Philippines has…
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