EAAFP WMBD 2020 #legflagChallenge Webinar – “How can legflags on birds guide conservation”
East-Asian Australasian Flyway Partnership, BirdLife International and Oriental Bird Club are honored to invite Dr. Nigel Clark, Scientific Advisor to the Spoon-billed Sandpiper Task Force; Ms. Katherine Leung, Field…
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Competition for primary students raises awareness of shorebirds in Australia
Hundreds of primary children across Australia recently participated in the third annual Shorebirds Competition run by Australian Government research organisation, ANSTO. Offered nationally for the first time this year,…
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2020 Field Season in Schaste Bay, Khabarovsk Krai, Russia
The 2020 season studying the breeding ecology of endangered Nordmann’s Greenshanks (Tringa guttifer) and Common Redshanks (Tringa totanus ussuriensis) in Schaste Bay, Khabarovsk Krai, Russia was a success despite…
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Upper tidal flats are disproportionately important for the conservation of migratory shorebirds
The decline of migratory shorebird populations along the EAAF has been largely attributed to the loss of tidal flats in the Yellow Sea region due to coastal development. It…
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Promoting integrated conservation of natural and artificial shorebird habitat in the EAAF
A new publication is available about the use of artificial wetlands (such as aquaculture ponds) by shorebirds in southern Jiangsu province, China – a critical stopover region in the…
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2017 Alaska Shorebird Group meeting (ASG)
A male Hudsonian Godwit (Limosa haemastica) having just arrived during May ice break-up on its…
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