“Flyway: connecting people and migratory waterbirds” story series #11 – Ms. Jing Li, Co-Founder of Spoon-billed Sandpiper in China
If you are aware of conservation work for Spoon-billed Sandpiper, you may have heard about Spoon-billed Sandpiper in China (SBSinChina), a local NGO aiming to protect this Critically Endangered…
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New site in the Gulf of Tonkin coast of northern Vietnam for Spoon-billed Sandpiper
Introduction The coastal wetlands along the shallow Gulf of Tonkin spanning northern Vietnam and southern China (including the island of Hainan) are known to provide critical wintering habitat for several…
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2021 South China Spoon-billed sandpiper (SBS) winter census
Abstract China SBS winter census is conducted annually to assess the distribution and population of this critically endangered species. This year, the census…
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Some updates on colour legflags used in Southern China
Marking migratory waterbirds with metal rings, wing tags, neck bands, leg rings and flags, nasal discs, telemetry equipment like GPS devices, is an important way of studying their migration….
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Report of Spoon-billed Sandpiper Census in China – January 2020
China Spoon-billed Sandpiper (Calidris pygmaea) Winter Census 2020 was conducted from 17th January to 19th January, 2020, aiming to better understand the population and overwintering sites of the Critically…
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