Shifting the Paradigm: A Universal Declaration of the Rights of Wetlands (#RightsOfWetlands)
The global climate destabilization and biodiversity loss crises, of which global wetland loss and deterioration is a part, call out for a fundamental paradigm shift in the human-wetlands/human-Nature relationship….
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Youth declared for global stand to conservation of wetland and migratory waterbirds during the Flyway Youth Forum
The first-ever virtual Flyway Youth Forum, organized by The East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) and
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2020 International Symposium for Hwaseong Wetlands: Getting the Benefits of Conservation – Hwaseong Wetlands
On 1st December, 2020, together with Hwaseong City in Republic of Korea, the EAAFP Secretariat co-hosted the International Symposium for Hwaseong Wetlands to promote the importance and values of…
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Enhancing the conservation of wetlands in Myanmar: the government designates part of the Gulf of Mottama [EAAF117] in Mon State as Myanmar’s fourth Ramsar site
Christoph Zöckler, EAAFP Spoon-billed Sandpiper Task Force Coordinator Myanmar is home to an extraordinary diversity of wetlands, from mountainous wetlands, large freshwater…
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An Introduction to the Convention on Wetlands Published
The Secretariat of Ramsar Convention The Secretariat of Ramsar Convention is pleased to announce the launch of the first Handbook…
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