World Migratory Bird Day Event 2020 – Malaysia (Shorebirds Peninsular Malaysia Project)
Event title: On The Trail of The Shorebirds (virtual on-line…
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Myanmar designated Inlay Lake Wildlife Sanctuary as Flyway Network Site in celebration of the World Wetlands Day
On 2nd February, 2020, the government of the Republic of the Union Myanmar announced the designation of Inlay Lake Wildlife Sanctuary as EAAFP Flyway Network Site (EAAF 147) in…
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Community Conservation Area proposed for conserving Baer’s Pochard in Myanmar
The Baer’s Pochard (Aythya baeri) has a small population which is suspected to be undergoing a continuing and rapid decline as a result of illegal bird hunting and wetland…
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Coastal Wetlands in Myanmar: A directory of important sites
Coastal wetlands in Myanmar provide a huge wealth of biodiversity, ranging from Dugongs and Dolphins to migratory waterbirds and marine turtle…
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World Migratory Bird Day Event 2019 – Myanmar
Event title: World Migratory Bird Day Event 2019 in Myanmar Organizer: Biodiversity And Nature Conservation Association (BANCA) Participants: About 130 participants from local communities including school students and teachers, Local…
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Community based conservation of Baer’s Pochard in Myanmar
Baer’s Pochard © Solo Mdy Baer’s Pochard (Aythya baeri) has declined drastically in recent decades. In the 1990s Thailand and Bangladesh…
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Celebration of new EAAFP Flyway Network Sites in Myanmar
Union of Myanmar became as member of EAAFP since 27th July 2014. After that, Moeyungyi Wildlife Sanctuary, Indawgyi Wildlife Sanctuary and Gulf of Mottama were designated as Flyway Network…
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Flyway Site Network of East Asian-Australasian Flyway promote collaborative effort to safeguard migratory waterbirds
At the 10th Meeting of the Partners to the East Asian – Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP MoP10) in Hainan, China, a total of eight new Flyway Network Sites was…
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“Flyways – connecting people and migratory waterbirds” The Tenth Meeting of Partners for The East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership, Hainan, 10 to 14 Dec, 2018
Participants from over 20 countries are gathering for the 10th Meeting of Partners (MOP) to the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) in Changjiang City (Hainan, China) from 10th to…
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