• HKBWS Asia Conservation Fund 2023-2024 applications are now open

    HKBWS Asia Conservation Fund supports research, monitoring, education and capacity building for bird conservation in the region, with a higher priority given to i) projects that target species that occur in Hong Kong or on the East Asian-Australasian Flyway; and ii) projects that assist the relevant country in meeting Aichi Biodiversity Targets and implementing its action plan. Funds are donations from members and supporters of the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society. The funding amount can be up to USD2,000. Applications will be reviewed by the HKBWS Asia Conservation Fund committee. For further details, please refer to the attached Application Guideline. Applicants can complete and submit the attached application form with all relevant documents to [email protected] Closing date of 2023-2024 application: 18 June 2023 [Hong Kong time 12:00 noon (GMT +08:00)] *Applications will receive a confirmation e-mail within 5 days of application submission. Please contact [email protected] or apply again if applicants do not receive the confirmation e-mail.   Application Guidelines: https://www.hkbws.org.hk/cms/attachments/article/530/HKBWS%20_ACF_Guideline_2023-2024.pdf Application form: https://www.hkbws.org.hk/cms/attachments/article/530/HKBWS_ACF_Application_Form_2023-2024.docx

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  • Global population of Black-faced Spoonbill continues to break new record

    © Jay Kong/HKBWS Coordinated by EAAFP Partner, The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (HKBWS), the International Black-faced Spoonbill Census 2023 was conducted from 6th to 8th January 2023. Global population of Black-faced Spoonbills (BFSs) reaches another record high of 6,603, a rise of 7.2% (i.e. 441 individuals) from last year. However, 299 individuals were recorded in the Deep Bay area across Hong Kong and Shenzhen, which is 70 individuals less compared to last year. The number shows a decline of 11% and 19% from 2021 and 2022 respectively. Steady growth in Taiwan, Mainland China and Korea while moderate decline in Japan and almost 20% drop in Deep Bay The census covered about 130 sites all over the world. Taiwan, Mainland China and the Republic of Korea are the major regions which attribute to the growth in the overall population. Taiwan remains the largest congregation site with 4,228 individuals comprising 64% of the global population. The year-on-year growth is 10.6%. In Mainland China, 1,307 individuals and 15.1% year-on-year growth were recorded. The number comprised 20% of the global population. In Ro Korea, the number of BFS reaches 54 individuals with an increase of 45.9%, i.e. 17 individuals. Contrarily, in Japan 610 individuals are recorded which shows a decline of 10.7% from last year, i.e. 73 individuals less. The results this year shows that the global population of Black-faced Spoonbills has increased steadily. The numbers in Taiwan and Mainland China have been setting new records in recent years, which suggests the conditions in those habitats are favourable for a larger number of Black-faced Spoonbills to stay or to gather. Favourable conditions may refer to a safe environment, and sufficient food sources in nearby feeding grounds. The decline in Japan might be related to the loss of stopover sites and the outbreak of bird flu, according to local experts. In Deep Bay area, 299 individuals were recorded, which is the second lowest record in the last decade. Compared to last year, there were 70 individuals les, that is 19% decline. Having reached its record high of 462 individual in 2010, the number of BFS in Deep Bay has not advanced since then and remained above 300 from 2016 until it dropped to 299 this year. The result this year is worrying. Fig. 1 Black-faced Spoonbill Census results 1989-2023 © HKBWS Fig. 2 Black-faced Spoonbill Population size and distribution © HKBWS Fig. 3 Black-faced Spoonbill Census results regional breakdown 1989-2023 © HKBWS   The problem of habitat degradation must be confronted, and conservation should be prioritized in the Northern Metropolis Development Strategy The decline in the number of Black-faced spoonbills in Deep Bay area is alarming to Hong Kong. Black-faced Spoonbills mainly forage in the intertidal mudflats of Deep Bay, shallow waters in Gei Wai, and drained fishponds. As the Ramsar Wetland in Mai Po Inner Deep Bay is relatively adequately protected by law, these habitats can be maintained in relatively good conditions. However, the habitats outside the nature reserve are facing different threats. Without immediate measures, they may become unsuitable for Black-faced Spoonbills to loaf and feed. For instance, the expansion of mangroves, including the invasive species Sonneratia caseolaris, continues to eat up the mudflats resulting in a reduction in the habitat available to Black-faced Spoonbills. On the other hand, nearly 30% of the fishpond wetlands and the buffer zones in Deep Bay are hoarded by real estate developers or held privately. These lands have been abandoned or the land use has been altered, which continuously causes habitat degradation in the Deep Bay area. If proactive conservation and management actions are not taken immediately, there is a risk for losing these important winter habitats of the Black-faced Spoonbills’. In order to protect the Black-faced Spoonbill, many countries and cities put great effort into different conservation actions in the past 30 years, and finally the decline of the species is successfully reversed. "It is especially important to establish comprehensive protection laws, long-term conservation strategies and good land use planning, which can restore endangered species and even biodiversity around the world." Mr. Yu Yat-tung, Director of The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society, continued, "The future of the Deep Bay wetlands is determined by the conservation and planning of the Northern Metropolis Development Strategy. To protect the ecological integrity of this internationally important wetland, the Northern Metropolis must comply with the guidelines to protect "Wetland Conservation Area" and "Wetland Buffer Area". The wetland conservation park system must fully cover the "Inner Deep Bay and Shenzhen River catchment area" Important Bird Area recognized by BirdLife International, and ensure them to be protected by stricter laws and regulations; also a management model that is people and ecology oriented must be applied.” Hong Kong is responsible for the proper protection of wetlands and biodiversity, the maintenance of the important ecological corridors for migratory birds, and the assistance to China in fulfilling its obligations under the “Convention on Biological Diversity” and the “Convention on Wetlands”. The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society hopes that the Northern Metropolis can practice "ecological priority", through proper management and conservation of the Deep Bay wetlands, turn crisis into opportunity, and maximize the benefits of bird conservation.   Fig. 4 Trend of Black-faced Spoonbill population in Deep Bay © HKBWS   About The International Black-faced Spoonbill Census Black-faced Spoonbill is listed as "Endangered" on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. The International Black-faced Spoonbill Census takes place every January ever since it was first launched in 1994. During Census 2023, more than 200 veteran birdwatchers, conservationists, researchers and ornithologists were mobilized to record the number of wintering Black-faced Spoonbills at about 130 sites. Reposting of news article from Hong Kong Bird Watching Society with permission, original article (link). Learn about EAAFP Black-faced Spoonbill Working Group: https://eaaflyway.net/black-faced-spoonbill-working-group/  

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  • 2022 UNESCO Suncheon Getbol World Heritage International Symposium and Asian Bird Fair in Suncheon, Ro Korea

    In November 2022, Suncheon City hosted the 2022 UNESCO World Heritage International Symposium and the 11th Asian Bird Fair at Suncheonman National Garden in Suncheon, RO Korea. The main…

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  • Webinar on Chinese Crested Tern in the Yellow Sea and Seabird Conservation in China

    Listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN’s Red List, the Chinese Crested Tern’s global…

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  • World Migratory Bird Day 2022 in Hong Kong: Fishpond For Flyway – 10th Anniversary Exhibition of Fishpond Conservation

    Since 2012, Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (HKBWS) has been implementing Hong Kong Fishpond Conservation Scheme, which aims to promote fishpond conservation through habitat management, research and education. This…

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  • Youth Think Tank Competition for EAA Flyway – 2nd Training workshop

    On 28th - 29th May, the Youth Think Tank Competition in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway (EAAF) engaged youth participants with a webinar and in-depth training workshop on Engaging Local Communities in Conservation of Migratory Waterbirds and Wetlands. One in a series of workshops that aims to build capacity for young conservationists on wetland and migratory waterbirds conservation in the flyway across various disciplines, the 2-day virtual workshop was organized by the EAAF Partnership Secretariat with the help of the youth organizing team. More than 100 youth actively participated in the discussions and workshops.   Day 1 The workshop opened on 28th May 2022 with a webinar, “Understanding Nature-based Solutions and Local Community Engagement in Conservation of Migratory Waterbirds and Wetlands.” The 1-hour webinar focused on presentations from speakers, Ms. Kathryn Bimson, Programme Officer for IUCN Regional Asia Office, and Mr. Jiefeng Jin, Conservation Officer for the International Crane Foundation. The first presentation, given by Ms. Kathryn Bimson, was an introductory presentation on Nature-based solutions and was followed by an introductory presentation on Engaging local community in conservation by Mr. Jiefeng Jin. Both presentations helped participants ease their way into the topic and the in-depth training workshop, “Engaging Local Communities in Conservation of Migratory Waterbirds and Wetlands” that came afterwards. [PPT Materials] Introduction to Nature-based Solutions (link) / Introduction to Engaging Local Community in Conservation (link) The in-depth workshop was led by Ms. Mercy Kariuki, Programme Officer (Local Engagement and Empowerment Programme) from BirdLife International and focused on “Engaging Local Communities in Conservation of Migratory Waterbirds and Wetlands”. She emphasized the significance of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) in the process of conservation and how the work is increasingly adopting a human rights-based approach. To delve further into the topic, the presentation was followed by a case study by Mr. George Ndung’u Muigai, Founder of the Cranes Conservation Volunteers, on the conservation of Cranes in Kenya. During his presentation, Mr. Muigai shared on-the-ground experiences engaging with the community and exchanged practical advice with the youth participants. [PPT Materials] Engaging Local Communities in Conservation of Migratory Waterbirds and Wetlands (link) / Conservation of Cranes in Kenya (link) The breakout session, participants discussed the positive and negative relations between conservation and people, so that they could learn to think in different perspectives – from local communities to conservation. The participants shared actual experiences from their respective regions and project implementations.   Day 2 The in-depth workshop continued on 29th May with a short summary presentation from Ms. Mercy Kariuki before delving into a case study from Amy M. Lecciones, Executive Director of the Society for the Conservation of Philippine Wetlands, Inc who tackled Empowering Communities for Managing Agricultural Wetlands. In her presentation, Amy shared the case in Paligui Wetlands (a part of the greater key biodiversity area of Candaba Wetlands) of how local farmers were trained to be local eco-tour guides. Amy enumerated some key activities for community engagement and social challenges with the proposed conservation measures taken in Paligui. (PPT Materials) Following next was a case on Hong Kong Fishpond Conservation Scheme presented by Mr. Johnson Chung of The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society. Mr. Johnson shared how local fishermen helped to enhance the biodiversity of fishponds within the Ramsar Site and being an important player in the conservation project. Johnson shared different ways to motivate the local communities as well as the general public to support the management agreements. The outputs were beyond conserving migratory birds but also benefitted local fishermen while maintaining traditions and cultures in Hong Kong. (PPT Materials) The last case study was presented by Professor Wataru Kitamura of Tokyo City University on the Little Tern project. He shared how the once-disappeared population of Little Tern was brought back to the urban areas in Tokyo Bay area. The project demonstrated the success and need for a strong scientific base, and how it can be developed into a good citizen science programme to engage the locals and general public garner their support. It was also an innovative solution to create habitats for the birds with the use of the rooftops of building in the middle of the city. (PPT Materials) After that, the participants broke out into groups to practice stakeholder analysis of the different case studies that were presented. Youth participants shared their perspectives on identifying stakeholders and ideas on engaging them with participatory conservation objectives.   [Webinar] Understanding Nature-based Solution and Local Community Engagement in Conservation of Migratory Waterbirds and Wetlands [In depth Workshop] Engaging Local Communities in Conservation of Migratory Waterbirds and Wetlands: Session 1 [In depth Workshop] Engaging Local Communities in Conservation of Migratory Waterbirds and Wetlands: Session 2 Evaluation:  All 20 participants had an increase in learning for the topic of nature-based solutions. In the pre-workshop survey, half of the participants responded that they had some familiarity with the topic. In the post-workshop survey, however, 90% responded they were now familiar or ‘ready to go pro’ with nature-based solutions. All participants were satisfied and found what they learned during the workshop useful in their volunteer/work. Participants rated these three components with the highest scores: 1) trainers and speakers of the workshop (4.5/5); 2) case study presentations (4.5/5); 3) contents of the workshop (4.5/5). The most valuable learnings/ takeaways for the participants were: 1) Free, Prior and Informed Consent, 2) Stakeholder mapping and analysis and 3) Nature-based Solutions. Takeaways: Participants wrote that most valuable learnings/ takeaways for the workshop was: 1) Free, Prior and Informed Consent, 2) Stakeholder mapping and analysis and 3) Nature-based Solutions.  In the words of the Flyway youth: “What really stayed in my head and in my notes also is the quote "Recognizing diversity and engaging stakeholders helps in building legitimacy, developing innovative solutions, enhancing transparency, and most importantly, in upholding social equity." “It is evident that we are currently experiencing biodiversity loss. Hence, it is a must to take action. However, there are various factors that we need to consider first. For example, the effects of the conservation programs that we want to implement on the local communities and vice versa. As conservationists, we should understand the social contexts. A way for us to plan everything is to create a stakeholder analysis. It is a process for us to be able to map and identify the target people before the project begins.   Acknowledgment The Youth Think Tank Competition for the EAA Flyway Organizing Team acknowledges the great contribution from the speakers and trainers: Mercy Kariuki, George Ndung’u Muigai, Amy M. Lecciones, Johnson Chung, and Wataru Kitamura, as well the youth organizing team: Frances Alvares, Jord Earving Gadingan, Oscar Yu, Thura Soe Min Htike, Yeonju Park, Yuji Lim and Yoomi Sim. The webinar was moderated by Ms. Yoon Kyung Lee, External Relations Manager of the EAAFP Secretariat. The in-depth workshops were co-moderated by Ms. Yuji Lim, Ms. Yeonju Park, Ms. Yoomi Sim from the EAAFP Secretariat and Mr. Thura Soe Min Htike from Myanmar. Ms. Vivian Fu, Communication Officer of the EAAFP Secretariat led the coordination of the workshop. To learn more about the speakers and trainers click here. For more on the Youth Think Tank Competition click here.

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  • Application Open for HKBWS Asia Conservation Fund

     About HKBWS Asia Conservation Fund HKBWS Asia Conservation Fund supports registered organizations, especially non-governmental and…

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  • Endangered Black-faced Spoonbill breaking the record of over 6000

    EAAFP Black-faced Spoonbill Working Group reported another record high of 6,162 for the global population of…

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  • Seabird Training Webinars for Southeast Asia

    The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (HKBWS, an EAAFP Partner) has been engaging with an international team established for the conservation of…

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  • 20-Year Population Trends of Wintering Waterbirds in Deep Bay, South China

    Along the East Asian-Australasian flyway (EAAF), waterbirds are threatened by a wide range of environmental and anthropogenic factors. Habitat transformation along the coast of China, especially in the Yellow…

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