EAAFP Introduction Video
EAAFP is happy to announce the launch of the new EAAFP Introduction video! EAAFP is a Partnership which aims to conserve migratory waterbirds and their habitats, considering both people and…
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International Consultancy Meeting On Conservation Strategy For The Dalmatian Pelicans In The East Asian – Australasian Flyway
Between 17th and 18thJuly 2019, the EAAFP organized a meeting at Khovd Province, Mongolia to officially establish the EAAFP Dalmatian Pelican Task Force. The meeting was organized in response to…
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2019 Yeongjong Tidal Flat Migratory Bird Day’ Drawing and Essay Contest Award
On Friday, June 21st at 15:30pm, the Award of Drawing and Essay contest for the 2019 Yeongjong Tidal Flat Migratory Bird Day was held in the Incheon Bridge company…
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Farewell to Programme Assistant Michael R. Elliott
Written by Michael R. Elliott During my time at the EAAFP I’ve learned how to complete a wide variety of tasks in…
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ASEAN Flyway Network – soaring to greater heights
The ASEAN Flyway Network (AFN) National Focal Points of various ASEAN Member States, site managers of existing or potential East Asian – Australasian Flyway (EAAF) sites, experts from Wetlands…
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Literature List(March-May, 2019)
The EAAFP Science Unit is highlighting some key journal publications in the flyway. The publications would be divided into 4 categories: 1) Biology & ecology: focus on science of single species as…
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Congratulations messages from EAAFP Partners for the 10th Anniversary of Government of Korea hosting the EAAFP Secretariat
During the ceremony to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Government of Korea hosting the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) Secretariat in Songdo, the Republic of Korea, a new Memorandum of Understanding…
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[EAAFP 10th anniversary event – Conference Sketch Part III] Celebrating 2019 World Migratory Bird Day
In celebration of the global campaign – World Migratory Bird Day, we dedicated the last session to the theme of World Migratory Bird Day for this year, “Be the…
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