EAAFP leads happy companionship of humans and nature through the Ulsan Symposium for Migratory Birds
©EAAFP Secretariat On 11th May, the 2023 Ulsan Symposium for Migratory Birds was held to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day at the Ulsan Convention and Exhibition Center (UECO) under the theme of “Migratory birds of Taehwa River and their habitat conservation plan.” The 2023 Ulsan Symposium for Migratory Birds was co-hosted by EAAFP and Ulsan Metropolitan City and sponsored by the four Ulsan companies, Kyungdong City Gas co., Ltd., Korea Petrochemical Ind. Co., LTD., S-Oil Corporation, and Hyundai Motor Company. As part of the Ulsan Corporate Champion Programme, the symposium was achieved through the cooperation for the conservation of migratory birds and their habitats, following the designation of the Ulsan Taehwa River (EAAF150) as an EAAFP Flyway Network Site (FNS) and the signing of an MoU among EAAFP, Ulsan Metropolitan City, and Ulsan corporates in 2021. The symposium consisted of birdwatching and habitat clean-up activities with the four Ulsan Corporate Champions in the morning and a symposium in the afternoon. About 60 employees of Kyungdong City Gas, Korea Petrochemical, S-Oil, and Hyundai Motor Company participated in the EAAFP Ulsan Corporate Champions’ Activity for Conservation of Migratory Birds during the morning of the 11th to observe migratory birds in the Taehwa River and clean up the migratory bird habitats, thereby practicing ESG management. Employees of the four Ulsan corporates toured the Taehwa River area with nature guides to observe migratory birds such as Great Cormorants and Eastern Great Egrets and did habitat cleaning around the area to create a clean environment for the birds living in the Taehwa River. EAAFP Ulsan Corporate Champions’ Activity for Protecting Migratory Birds ©EAAFP Secretariat Employees of four EAAFP Ulsan Corporate Champions engaged in birdwatching and environmental cleanup activities ©EAAFP Secretariat The Ulsan Symposium for Migratory Birds held in the afternoon was attended by various stakeholders, including the four Ulsan corporates that are actively serving as Species Champions in the EAAFP Corporate Champion Programme, the Ulsan Metropolitan City Special Advisor for Environmental Policy, the EAAFP Secretariat, experts, FNS-listed cities, civic groups, research institutes, and corporates, who gathered to seek ways to conserve migratory birds and their habitats. The keynote presentation was given by Mr. Tim McGrath, the Head of Project Development at WWT (Wildfowl & Wetland Trust). Prof. Jong-nam Lee, Kyungsung University, Dr. Won-ho Lee, Nakdong Estuary Eco-Center of Busan Metropolitan City, and Mr. Seong-jin Kim, Upo Ecological Ibis Division of Changnyeong County Tourism and Environment Department, presented during the first session on “Status of migratory birds and Habitat Management in Taehwa River.” The second session on “Happy Companionship Between Nature and Humans” was delivered by Mr. Myeong-ok Kim, SK Energy CLX External Team Leader, Dr. Donguk Han, Director of Eco Korea PGA Ecology Institute and Adjunct Professor at Catholic University, and Ms. Jisun Lee, EAAFP Foundation Coordinator. Prof. Gea-jae Joo of Pusan National University served as the moderator of the third session which had Q&A and discussion. Before the symposium began, Mr. Soo-sik Lee, the Special Advisor for Environmental Policy of Ulsan Metropolitan City gave a commemorative speech. Mentioning the restoration of the heavily polluted Taehwa River through the cooperation of Ulsan citizens, corporates, and various organizations, he said he hoped this symposium would serve as an opportunity to share experiences and knowledge and find a way for migratory birds and people to coexist more happily. Following this, EAAFP Deputy Ms. Yeounhee Ahn gave a congratulatory speech and thanked Ulsan Metropolitan City for their efforts to conserve migratory birds and their habitats in Ulsan, and the four Ulsan corporates who have been actively serving as Species champions in the Ulsan Corporate Champion Programme. She also emphasized that cooperative activities between Ulsan Metropolitan City and participating Ulsan corporates will become a good role model of corporate partnership for conservation and expand domestically and internationally. Mr. Soo-sik Lee, Special Advisor for Environmental Policy of Ulsan Metropolitan City, delivering a commemorative speech ©EAAFP Secretariat Ms. Yeounhee Ahn, EAAFP Deputy, delivering a congratulatory speech ©EAAFP Secretariat The symposium kicked off with a keynote presentation by Mr. Tim McGrath, the Head of Project Development at WWT. Mr. Tim McGrath emphasized that the climate, nature, and welfare crises facing the world can be addressed with nature-based solutions through the creation of blue infrastructure, i.e., wetlands. He highlighted the various benefits of wetlands, such as carbon storage, welfare improvement, flood reduction, and biodiversity restoration, and said that wetland creation and management are necessary. To achieve this, he said, we need to build the capacity of stakeholders to procure and strengthen the necessary public and private partnerships and collaborations. Mr. Tim McGrath, the Head of Project Development at WWT, delivering a keynote presentation ©EAAFP Secretariat After the keynote presentation by Mr. Tim McGrath, the first session, “Status of migratory birds and Habitat Management in Taehwa River” began. In the first presentation, Prof. Jong-nam Lee of Kyungsung University introduced the status of migratory birds in the Taehwa River and Taehwa River’s role as a habitat and stated that standardization and methodology of surveys should be developed to strengthen the bird survey necessary for the conservation of the Taehwa River. He called for long-term training and support at the municipal level to strengthen and nurture the capacity of citizen monitoring groups. Prof. Jong-nam Lee, Kyungsung University, giving a presentation ©EAAFP Secretariat Dr. Won-ho Lee of Busan Metropolitan City Nakdong Estuary Eco-Center informed the participants of the efforts needed to restore the destroyed ecosystem by introducing the process of transforming the Nakdong River Estuary (EAAF097) from a sewage treatment plant and landfill to migratory bird habitat and its current status. The importance of the active role of local government was emphasized in the ongoing ecosystem conservation and maintenance projects, such as the Little Tern habitat restoration project and the conservation measures for swans. Dr. Won-ho Lee, Busan Metropolitan City Nakdong Estuary Eco-Center, giving a presentation ©EAAFP Secretariat Mr. Seong-jin Kim of Upo Ecological Ibis Division at the Changnyeong County Tourism and Environment Department shared the restoration project of the Asian Crested Ibis (EN) habitat in Upo Wetland (EAAF096), which is preparing for successful release into the wild after artificial breeding of extinct Asian Crested Ibises in Ro Korea and emphasized that a community-wide effort is needed for a restoration project. In addition, the successful restoration of Asian Crested Ibises raised the need for considering the impact on the lives of the locals and cooperation with the local community. Mr. Seong-jin Kim, Upo Ecological Ibis Division of the Changnyeong County Tourism and Environment Department, giving a presentation ©EAAFP Secretariat The second session, “Happy Companionship Between Nature and Humans,” began with a presentation by Mr. Myeong-ok Kim, SK Energy CLX External Team Leader. Mr. Myeong-ok Kim emphasized that the happiness of the local community should be given priority through the case of SK Innovation's transition from CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance). He also suggested building a platform to engage all stakeholders to address community issues, emphasizing that the conservation of migratory birds and their habitats is a shared goal for all in the community. Mr. Myeong-ok Kim, SK Energy CLX External Team Leader, giving a presentation ©EAAFP Secretariat In the following presentation by Dr. Donguk Han, Director of Eco Korea PGA Ecology Institute and Adjunct Professor at Catholic University, Dr. Donguk Han cited the Han River Estuary Janghang Wetland (EAAF143), a Ramsar site, as an example of conservation activities involving corporates and civil society and discussed the synergistic effect of trilateral cooperation among non-governmental organizations, corporates, and local governments in the conservation of habitats and biodiversity. Dr. Donguk Han, Director of Eco Korea PGA Ecology Institute, giving a presentation ©EAAFP Secretariat As a final presentation, Ms. Jisun Lee, EAAFP Foundation Coordinator, introduced EAAFP's Corporate Champion Programme, a platform that can internationally certify corporate’s social and environmental contributions, and shared the example of the partnership with the Ulsan Corporate Champions for migratory birds and habitat conservation along with the future plans in the partnership. After the presentation, an appreciation plaque presentation ceremony was held for four Ulsan corporates that contributed to the conservation of migratory waterbirds and their habitats as Species Champions of the EAAFP Corporate Champion Programme. EAAFP Deputy Ms. Yeuon-hee Ahn presented plaques of appreciation to Kyungdong City Gas, Korea Petrochemical, S-Oil, and Hyundai Motor Company, who are actively serving as Species Champions of Black-crowned Night-Heron, Eastern Great Egret, Mandarin Duck, and Long-billed Plover, respectively. Ms. Jisun Lee, EAAFP Foundation Coordinator, giving a presentation ©EAAFP Secretariat Appreciation plaque presentation ceremony for four Ulsan corporates who are serving as Species Champions of the EAAFP Corporate Champion Programme ©EAAFP Secretariat The discussion and Q&A that followed were moderated by Prof. Gea-Jae Joo of Pusan National University. Based on the presentations, the panelists shared their opinions and the discussion proceeded with a Q&A session with the general participants. Prof. Gea-jae opened the discussion by emphasizing that conservation measures and activities of Ulsan Metropolitan City and Ulsan corporates should continue in a virtuous cycle structure through this symposium. In addition, he proposed the creation of a civil society organization specializing in birds in order to build a closer cooperative relationship between Ulsan Metropolitan City and civil society organizations. Ms. Hwa-ja Shin, Natural Environment Team Leader at the Environmental Policy Division of Ulsan Metropolitan City, said that based on the conservation plan discussed at the symposium, Ulsan Metropolitan City would conserve and protect the existing migratory bird habitat together with citizens and corporates. The symposium ended with a closing ceremony and the distribution of Ulsan Corporate Champion Programme goods which were sponsored by the Ulsan Corporate Champions. Panelists participating in the discussion ©EAAFP Secretariat In the 12th, the day after the symposium, Taehwa River birdwatching, Taehwa River National Garden tour, and EAAFP corporate champion S-Oil visit were provided for the symposium participants who wished to attend. The participants were able to reaffirm the history of the Taehwa River and its importance as a habitat in the city that connects migratory birds and Ulsan citizens by visiting the Taehwa River National Garden. Lastly, through a visit to S-Oil Onsan Plant, they were able to take a closer look at the partnership with the local community and ESG management of S-Oil, which is actively serving as the EAAFP Ulsan Corporate Champion. Ulsan Symposium for Migratory Birds participants birdwatching at Taehwa River and touring the Taehwa River National Garden ©EAAFP Secretariat Ulsan Symposium for Migratory Birds participants visiting S-Oil Onsan Plant ©S-Oil Learn more about the EAAFP Corporate Champion Programme Read an article about 2022 EAAFP Ulsan Corporate Champion Programme activity
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2023 Ulsan Symposium for Migratory Birds
The EAAFP Secretariat is pleased to invite you to the 2023 Ulsan Symposium for Migratory Birds which will be held on 11 May under the theme “Migratory birds of Taehwa River and their habitat conservation plan. Co-hosted by the EAAFP Secretariat and Ulsan Metropolitan City, and sponsored by Korea Zinc Company Ltd., Kyungdong City Gas co., Ltd., Korea Petrochemical Ind. Co., LTD., S-Oil Corporation, and Hyundai Motors Company, the Symposium will bring domestic and international experts together to talk about the role and importance of the private sector and local communities for the conservation of wetlands and migratory birds and seek ways to achieve a happy companionship between humans and nature. Date: 11 May 2023 (Thursday) 2:00 p.m. ~ 5:50 p.m. Venue: 3F Conventional Hall, Ulsan Exhibition & Convention Center (UECO) Participation fee: free-of-charge How to apply: Please fill out the registration form and find the program through this link (Korean) Language: Korean and English Progamme: Keynote presentation: “A Blue Recovery: Creating and Managing Wetlands as Nature-based Solutions”; Mr. Tim McGrath, Head of Project Development, WWT (Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust) Session 1: Status of Migratory Birds and Habitat Management in Taehwa River Presentation 1 “Status of migratory birds in Taehwa River, and the Role of Taehwa River as a Habitat” Prof. Jong-nam Lee, Kyungsung University Presentation 2 Status on the management of the Nakdong Estuary wetlands - focusing on Eulsukdo Island; Dr. Won-ho Lee, Nakdong Estuary Eco-Center of Busan Metropolitan City Presentation 3 “Upo Wetland Ibis Habitat Restoration Project”; Mr. Seong-jin Kim, Changnyeong County Tourism and Environment Department, Upo Ecological Ibis Division Session 2: Happy Companionship Between Nature and Humans Presentation 1 “ESG Story of SK Innovation from the Perspective of Community Relation”; Mr. Myung-ok Kim, SK Energy CLX External Relations Team Leader Presentation 2 “Conservation Activity with Corporate and Civil Society – focusing on the Janghang Wetland Ramsar Site in the Han River Estuary”; Dr. Donguk Han, Director of Eco Korea PGA Ecology Institute/ adjunct professor at Catholic University Presentation 3 “EAAFP Corporate Champion Programme”; Ms. Jisun Lee, EAAFP Foundation Coordinator Discussion and Q&A (chaired by Prof. Gea-jae Joo, Pusan National University) Korean version 2023 울산철새심포지엄 일시: 2023년 5월 11일 (목요일) 오후 2시 ~ 5시 50분 장소: 울산컨벤션전시센터(UECO) 3층 컨벤션홀 참가비: 무료 참가방법: 링크 접속 후 신청 양식 작성 및 제출
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EAAFP Corporate Champion Hyundai Motor Company donated 10,000 USD to EAAFP Foundation
EAAFP Foundation is happy to announce that Hyundai Motor Company, a leading South Korean multinational automotive manufacturer donated 10 million KRW (equivalent to 10,000 USD) to EAAFP Foundation to…
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