Birdwatching with GCF IEU interns – Namdong Reservoir
On 3 November 2021, the Green Climate Fund Independent Evaluation Unit (GCF IEU) interns and EAAFP interns visited the Black-faced Spoonbill (BFS) Ecology Learning Centre, to learn about the…
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National Monitoring of Black-faced Spoonbills and study on their habitats in the Republic of Korea, 2020
Study about breeding status, population, national distribution, and habitat use by satellite tracking…
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Collaboration on tracking Endangered Black-faced Spoonbill
The Endangered Black-faced Spoonbill is one of the key species in the East Asian -Australasian Flyway Partnership. The conservation of this globally threatened species had been fostering collaboration and…
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Today Bird, Tomorrow Humans – The Black-faced Spoonbill International Symposium in Kirarahama
The Black-faced Spoonbill International Symposium in Kirarahama was held on 23-24 November 2019, in conjunction with the open ceremony of the Japan Black-faced Spoonbill Conservation and Rehabilitation Center in…
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