A brief summary of Bird Ringing in Mongolia in 2021-2022
Pacific Golden Plover © Batmunkh Davaasuren Bird ringing is a crucial method for monitoring bird populations and raising public awareness about conservation efforts. Mongolia is located on three major flyways (East Asian-Australasian Flyway, Central Asian Flyway, and West Pacific Flyway) for migratory birds, and the Wildlife Science and Conservation Center (WSCC) aims to study and monitor bird populations using all three flyways through the use of bird ringing stations. In 2015, WSCC initiated migratory bird ringing activities at Khurkh Bird Ringing Station (Khurkh BRS), which was the first stationary bird ringing effort in Mongolia. Since then, the number of Mongolian bird ringing stations has gradually increased to five. In this report, we present the findings from three bird ringing stations located across the country, namely Khurkh, Khovd and Ugii Bird Ringing Stations, each with slightly different coverage goals. Other than bird ringing, research activities at the stations included Local breeding bird survey, raptor banding, Shorebird leg-flagging, Yellow-breasted Bunting project, and studies on ticks on migratory birds. In addition, there are other capacity-building and CEPA activities, such as International bird banding training, student practice, celebration of World Migratory Bird Day and other outreach activities. Please refer to the full report, available here. For inquiries, please contact Batmunkh Davaasuren at [email protected]
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