Seabird Training Webinars for Southeast Asia
The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (HKBWS, an EAAFP Partner) has been engaging with an international team established for the conservation of…
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Partners engagement for UNFCCC COP26
From 31 October to 12 November 2021, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26)…
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An uncertain time ahead for migratory waterbirds in South-east Asia
Sandwiched between the land masses of East Asia and Australia, South-east Asia lies near the geographical heart of the East Asian–Australasian Flyway, an important migratory corridor used…
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EAAFP Webinar for Government Focal Points on the ADB Regional Flyway Initiative
On 6th October, the EAAFP Secretariat organized a webinar for EAAFP Government Focal Points on the Asian Development Bank’s Regional Flyway Initiative…
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Updates of worldwide avian influenza situation by FAO/EMPRES-AH (Oct-Dec 2020)
FAO/EMPRES-AH is constantly monitoring the avian influenza situation worldwide and compiles information from multiple national and international sources as well as peer-reviewed scientific articles. Close collaboration with country and…
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Updates of worldwide avian influenza situation by FAO/EMPRES-AH (Jun-Sep 2020)
FAO/EMPRES-AH is constantly monitoring the avian influenza situation worldwide and compiles information from multiple national and international sources as well as peer-reviewed scientific articles. Close collaboration with country and…
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ASEAN Flyway Network – soaring to greater heights
The ASEAN Flyway Network (AFN) National Focal Points of various ASEAN Member States, site managers of existing or potential East Asian – Australasian Flyway (EAAF) sites, experts from Wetlands…
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Promoting the conservation of EAAF migratory birds in freshwater wetlands at the AWGNCB Meeting, Vientiane
The countries that make up Southeast Asia are among the world’s most biodiverse. This region supports a quarter of the world’s bird species, as is the majority of the…
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New initiative in the ASEAN, the heart of the EAAF
How Choon Beng, Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve Shorebirds in Bako Buntal Bay [EAAF 112] © Eugene Cheah The ASEAN region lies at the heart of the East - Asian Australasian Flyway and the cooperation of the member states is critical for the conservation of wetlands and migratory waterbirds. The ASEAN Working Group on Nature Conservation and Biodiversity has endorsed the establishment of an ASEAN Network on Wetlands and Migratory Waterbirds Conservation. The objectives of this network are to help improve knowledge, increase capacity and enhance communication on wetlands and migratory birds in the ASEAN member states. This is in line with the EAAFP Southeast Asia network that was approved at the Ninth Meeting of Partners of the East Asian - Australasian Flyway Partnership in early 2017. The network will partner closely with the Secretariat of the EAAFP to achieve these objectives, with Singapore as the country lead for this network, and supported by the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity. The Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) has stepped forward to support the network in a 2 year project to survey and improve management of sites of importance for migratory waterbirds within the region.
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ASEAN Working Group on Nature Conservation and Biodiversity held in Thailand
EAAFP Secretariat Spike Millington, Chief Executive of EAAFP, participated in the meeting of ASEAN Working Group on Nature Conservation and Biodiversity (AWGNCB) held in Bangkok, Thailand,…
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