On 16th December, 2020, the EAAFP and its Partners welcome the new Flyway Network Site (EAAF 149), South-East Gulf of Carpentaria: Leichhardt River to Gore Point (Wernadinga coast) in Australia.
Located on the northern coast of Australia, the site covers Queensland state waters and a narrow seaward strip of the Wernadinga pastoral lease. Its boundary starts from Leichhardt River sea-mouth, which is adjacent to the north-eastern corner of Finucane Island National Park, and extends towards the southeast to the northern edge of the channel of the sea-mouth of Disaster Inlet. The Flyway Network Site has traditional connections as it lies in the country of the Kukatj People who are Indigenous Australians.
The Leichhardt-Gore Flyway Network Site comprises wide and undisturbed intertidal flats, mangrove forest, tidal creeks, salt marsh (bare salt flats), beaches and island-bars of shell fragments and sand, in the vicinity to a major river estuary. With its diverse habitats, the site supports up to 13,000 (more usually 5,000 to 8,000) of at least 22 waterbird species, which mostly use the site’s three high-tide roosting sites. Key species of the site include seven Australian threatened species, for example, Far Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis (Endangered) and Lesser Sandplover Charadrius mongolus. Internationally significant numbers of Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris (Endangered), as well as Red Knot Calidris canutus and Greater Sandplover Charadrius leschenaultia.
The South-East Gulf of Carpentaria is internationally important to migratory waterbirds in the East Asian – Australasian Flyway. The Leichhardt-Gore Wernadinga coast is the third Flyway Network Site (FNS) in the South East Gulf of Carpentaria, after the designation of EAAF 120, Karumba Smithburne (Delta Downs) FNS in 2014 and EAAF 125 Nijinda Durlga (Tarrant) in 2016.
For more information, please visit: https://eaaflyway.net/australia/

ⓒ Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation

Roosting godwits, knots etc, Roost C1. ⓒ Roger Jaensch and Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation

Distant flock of knots flying, Roost C3. ⓒ Roger Jaensch and Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation

Aerial view of Roost C1 at Gore Point. ⓒ Roger Jaensch and Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation

Aerial view of Roost C2. ⓒ Roger Jaensch and Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation