Seminar on Environmental Restoration and Sustainability on the Korean Peninsula
In order to compensate for the loss of the tidal-flat associated with reclamation for building the new Songdo district, in Incheon, Ro Korea, the Incheon Free Economic Zone Authority (IFEZ) has initiated a waterbird habitat restoration project. From 27th to 29th November 2019, Songdo Urban Waterfowl Wetland Development Conference was organized by IFEZ and Korea Wetland Society to discuss on plans for conserving the remaining piece of tidal mudflats which were both Ramsar Site and a Flyway Network Site.
Songdo International City is newly being developed as reclaimed on the mudflat. Remained mudflat was designated as Ramsar site in 2014, and a Flyway Network Site in 2019, which is an important breeding ground for Black-faced Spoonbill, Saunders’s Gull and habitats for thousands of migratory waterbirds. IFEZ is seeking the way of how to make the place a sustainable city. The aim by the IFEZ to create artificial wetlands for waterbirds. As an urban wetland it is needed to be designed and managed carefully. Hence, IFEZ gathered domestic and overseas experts and National and local NGOs and Engineers to share their idea how to create an artificial waterfowl wetland in urban area.
Around 110 participants joined the conference, which was sponsored and supported by Incheon Metropolitan City Government and EAAFP. Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) and WWF Hong Kong, which are EAAFP Partners, as well as Tokyo Metropolitan Government were invited to present their best practices which became the champions of urban wetlands. The conference provided an opportunity to understand the value of urban wetlands and identification of problems and solutions in creating artificial wetlands for waterbird habitat.
Prepared by Ms. Miyoung Choi from the Incheon Free Economic Zone Authority (IFEZ)