The Flyway Site Network not only identifies and includes sites of international importance for migratory waterbirds to promote improved protection and management, but also aims to link those sites through sharing information and capacity building.
The EAAFP Sister Site Program brings together Flyway Network sites in different countries that share species to encourage increased awareness of their shared migratory waterbirds and link sites through collaborative activities to promote the conservation of these birds. It is designed to offer a better chance to be engaged with other sites in the Flyway Site Network to conduct collaborative research and monitoring on shared species and exchange information and experience, which is critical for site managers and decision makers to reinforce conservation action. Capacity building is an important element of sister site relationships and exchange visits can help site managers learn new and innovative approaches to different aspects of site management, from visitor centre development to participatory wetland management techniques.
As on May, 2023, there are 12 Sister Site Agreements, from 21 sites across 7 countries. The EAAFP encourages further cooperation between existing or potential Network sites. The present list may not include all the arrangements and diverse activities in place along the Flyway. Please contact the EAAFP Secretariat if you would like to provide further information.
EAAFP Sister Site Program Guidelines
The 11th Meeting of Partners (MOP11), which was held in March 2023, adopted guidelines for the EAAFP Sister Site Program. The guidelines contain a basic understanding and steps to establish the Sister Site Program, including several case studies and how to exchange knowledge effectively.
Existing sister site arrangements and other collaborative activities involving Network sites in the EAAF
Country |
City or Management Authority |
Site Name |
Site Name |
City or Management Authority |
Country |
1 | China, People’s Republic | Dandong City | Yalujiang National Nature Reserve (EAAF043) | Firth of Thames (EAAF019) | Pukorokoro Miranda Naturalist Trust | New Zealand |
2 | Korea, Republic of | Changwon City | Junam Reservoir (EAAF095) | Kejo-numa (EAAF098) | Osaki City, Miyagi Prefecture | Japan |
3 | China, People’s Republic | Qiqihar City | Zhalong National Nature Reserve (EAAF070) | Janghang Wetland Protected area (EAAF143) | Goyang City | Korea, Republic of |
4 | Australia | Brisbane City | Moreton Bay, Boondall wetlands (EAAF013) | Yatsu-higata (EAAF059) | Narashino City, Chiba prefecture | Japan |
5 | Australia | Newcastle City | Hunter River Estuary Wetlands (EAAF010) | Kushiro Wetland (EAAF032) |
Kushiro City Hokkaido |
Japan |
6 | Korea, Republic of | Suncheon City | Suncheon Bay (EAAF079) | Izumi formerly named Arasaki (EAAF030) |
Izumi City Kagoshima Prefecture |
Japan |
7 | Japan | Nagoya City | Fujimae Tidal Flat (EAAF080) | Swan Bay Tidal Flats | Greater Geelong City | Australia |
8 | Korea, Republic of | Seocheon County | Yubudo Tidal Flat (EAAF101) | Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve (EAAF073) | National Parks Board of Singapore | Singapore |
9 | China, People’s Republic | Shanghai City | Chongming Dongtan National Nature Reserve (EAAF002) | Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve (EAAF073) | National Parks Board of Singapore | Singapore |
10 | Korea, Republic of | Incheon Metropolitan City | Incheon Songdo Tidal Flat (EAAF145) | Mai Po Inner Deep Bay (EAAF003) | Hong Kong Special Administrative Region | China, People’s Republic |
11 | United States of America | Bureau of Land Management Alaska | Qupałuk (EAAF133) | Higashiyoka-higata (EAAF124) | Saga City, Saga Prefecture | Japan |
12 | China, People’s Republic | Hong Kong Special Administrative Region | Mai Po Inner Deep Bay (EAAF003) | Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve (EAAF073) | National Parks Board of Singapore | Singapore |
1. Yalujiang National Nature Reserve - Firth of Thames
In 2004 Pukorokoro Miranda Naturalist Trust (PMNT) signed a memorandum of understanding which established a sister-site partnership with the Yalujiang National Nature Reserve (NNR). Since then, various programs including surveys, training of staff, speaking to local schools and public awareness have been conducted in Yalujiang NNR as a cooperative program to conserve species common to the two sites.
Major focus: Shorebird
- Native birds' flight path protected with World Heritage Site status (July 2019)
- Fonterra and DOC Supporting International Effort to Protect Godwits and Red Knots (Oct 2015)
- The Incredible Godwit Migration (June 2015)
- Chinese Ambassador Farewells Godwits (Mar 2015)
- Godwits -- the Great Travellers (Mar 2015)
2. Junam Reservoir - Kejo-numa
Between Changwon city and Osaki city, a memorandum of understanding was signed to conserve wetlands and promote international cooperation in Osaki city in 2009. Both Kejo-numa and Junam Reservoir comprise a system of water storage wetland and rice paddy fields. A workshop to promote cooperation between Junam Reservoir and Kabukuri numa was held in November 2009 in Changwon.
Major focus: Anatidae (Greater White-fronted Goose, Thick-billed Bean Goose, Baikal Teal)
3. Zhalong National Nature Reserve - Janghang Wetland Protected area
Qiqihar city and Goyang city have signed a memorandum of understanding to promote international cooperation between Zhalong National Nature Reserve and Janghang Wetland Protected area with support from UNDP/GEF Korea Wetland Project.
Major focus: Crane (White-naped Crane)
4. Moreton Bay, Boondall wetlands - Yatsu-higata
Narashino City and the Brisbane City Council have agreed on the First Five-year plan (1998 - 2003) and also the Second Five-Year Plan (2004 - 2009) for the Wetlands Affiliation Agreement. These plans support conservation initiatives along the East Asian – Australasian Flyway, exchange of information in relation to wetland conservation and the protection of migratory shorebirds in both cities, and training persons involved in wetland conservation.
In addition, the Memorandum of Understanding on Education Cooperation (2003 - 2006) was agreed, to exchange information, conduct training, increase awareness in education and encourage visitors to their local communities following the successful 2002 trial exchange (Oct. 22, 2003).
Major focus: Shorebird
- The 20th Anniversary Booklet of Wetlands Exchange between Narashino City, Chiba, Japan and Brisbane City, Queensland, Australia (received 2023)
- A kamishibai storytelling play 'Tales from the Flyway' (July 2015)
- Another post from Yastsu Tidal Flats and its Sister Site Moreton Bay (June 2015)
- The Narashino Wetlands Affiliation Agreement (Jan 2012)
5. Kushiro area - Hunter River Estuary Wetlands
Wetlands in the Kushiro area (Kushiro-shitsugen, Akkeshi-ko and Bekanbeushi-shitsugen, and Kiritappu-shitsugen) formed a sister-wetland affiliation with Kooragang Wetland and the surrounding wetlands in the Hunter region, New South Wales, South-eastern Australia, in November 1994. (Since the 2004 renewal of sister wetland affiliation agreements, its name was changed to the Hunter River Estuary Wetlands.) The sister-wetland affiliation aims to promote conservation and wise use of wetlands and exchange techniques and knowledge of wetland conservation.
Major focus: Shorebird (Latham’s Snipe)
- Hunter Estuary Ramsar Site [EAAF020] Focuses on Japanese Delegation Visit (Nov 2016)
- Sister Wetland Exchange with Hunter Estuary Wetlands (Australia)
6. Suncheon Bay - Izumi crane migration grounds*
In 2009, Suncheon City, Korea, and Izumi City, Japan, agreed to cooperate for conserving Hooded Cranes and management of their habitats. Suncheon and Izumi will exchange information regarding the internationally important sites for Cranes and promote activities through international networks and improve environmental policies. In addition, the cities will collaborate for developing eco-tourism and international events based on the agreement.
Major focus: Hooded Crane
- A Remarkable Achievement for Wetland Conservation in South Korea (24 Oct 2007)
- Active Communication chronology between Suncheon city, South Korea and Izumi, Japan
- Suncheon Bay Symposium photos
7. Fujimae Tidal Flat – Swan Bay Tidal Flats
On May 22, 2007, a wetland affiliation was signed between Nagoya City, Japan, and Geelong City, Australia. Nagoya manages the Fujimae Tidal Flat and Geelong manages the Swan Bay Tidal Flats.
The website with live webcams on both sites is one of a number of actions to come from a joint wetlands agreement between the City of Nagoya and the City of Greater Geelong. A web camera in each location will relay live coverage of the wetlands allowing people to watch in real time the summer and winter habitats of birds that migrate between Geelong and Nagoya. The wetlands website can be accessed at
Major focus: Shorebird
8. Yubudo Tidal Flat – Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve
On 20th September 2012, Seocheon County, South Korea and the National Parks Board of Singapore signed a Memorandum of Understanding between Yubudo Tidal Flat and Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve. Both are Network sites of EAAFP. The authorities agree to collaborate in joint research on migratory shorebirds and sharing knowledge and expertise on the wetland habitat conservation and management. This will promote better understanding of habitat management for the shared species as sister sites under the East Asian – Australasian Flyway.
Major focus: Shorebird
- Delegates from the Seocheon Country visited their Sister Site in Singapore (Aug 2016)
- Singapore students visited Seocheon, Republic of Korea, as part of Flyway Sister Sites and Sister Wetland Affiliations Programme (May 2014)
- Seocheon County Committed To Conservation and Management of Migratory Waterbird Habitats (Nov 2012)
- South Korea and Singapore Become Sister Sites under EAAFP (Sep 2012)
9. Chongming Dongtan – Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve
On 6th April 2017, Shanghai city, People's Republif of China and the National Parks Board of Singapore signed a Memorandum of Understanding between Chongming Dongtan and Sungi Beloh Wetland Reserve. Both are Network sites of EAAFP. This will help to encourage understanding of wetlands and sharing of wetland information among sister wetland schools across the EAAF. They look forward to strengthening the research and management for capacity building between sites.
Major focus: Shorebird
10. Incheon Songdo Tidal Flat – Mai Po Inner Deep Bay
On 27th November 2019, Incheon Metropolitan City, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, People's Republic of China signed a Memorandum of Understanding between Incheon Songdo Tidal Flat and Mai Po Inner Deep Bay. Both are Network sites of EAAFP. This will help to enhance knowledge and information sharing on habitat management and shared migratory species. In particular, they will collaborate in youth environmental education programme such as youth forum for Black-faced Spoonbill.
Major focus: Black-faced Spoonbill, Shorebird
- Migratory waterbirds link Incheon and Hong Kong to become Flyway Sister sites (Nov 2019)
- Incheon-Hong Kong International East Asian - Australasian Flyway Black-faced Spoonbill Conservation Cooperation Forum (Dec 2020)
11. Higashiyoka-Higata – Qupałuk
On 8th February 2023, Saga City, Japan and Bureau of Land Management Alaska, United States of America signed a Memorandum of Understanding between Higashiyoka-Higata and Qupałuk. Both are Network sites of EAAFP. This will help to promote active exchange between both sites on monitoring, conservation and management as well as CEPA activities regarding both wetlands. Both sites will cooperate in building strategic foothold for further joint activities and communication activities.
Major focus: Dunlin, Shorebird
- Japan and U.S.A. announced Sister Site Agreement to strengthen collaboration to conserve migratory waterbirds (Feb 2023)
- A Little Bird's Big Sisters - Alaska-Japan Sister Site Relationship is for the Birds (Apr 2023)
12. Mai Po Inner Deep Bay – Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve
On 13th May 2023, Hong Kong's Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD), National Parks Board of Singapore (NParks), WWF-Hong Kong, and WWF-Singapore signed a Memorandum of Understanding that establishes Sister Sites between Mai Po Inner Bay and Sungei Buloh. Both are Flyway Network Sites of EAAFP. This will help to strengthen the partnership and collaboration between the two sites, and promote active research exchange between MoU signing parties on migratory shorebirds monitoring, conservation and training on the management.
Major focus: Shorebird