On the second day of the EAAFP World Migratory Bird Day series, the EAAFP Secretariat invites two research teams from Russia and Indonesia respectively, to share with us their latest findings on the studies of Endangered Nordmann’s Greenshank, Far Eastern Curlew and other migratory waterbirds.
Title: “Sing, Fly, Soar – Like a Shorebird in EAA Flyway” – 2021 WMBD webinar #2
Date: 8th October, 2021
Time: 4:30-5:30pm KST
Presenters: Philipp Maleko from Wildlife Conservation Society, Arctic Beringia Regional Program; and Iwan Febrianto from EKSAI Foundation
Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqdO2srT4rGdQOjcKp7Vaii6W5xhGI7Y-n
*The event will also be Livestreamed.
Philipp Maleko, Wildlife Conservation Society, Arctic Beringia Regional Program
Philipp Maleko was born in St. Petersburg, Russia but moved to Los Angeles, CA, US as a young boy. This drastic change from lush boreal to concrete jungles engrained in him the need to protect wilderness areas and the animals they support. Philipp received his Bachelor of Science at the University of California Davis studying Wildlife Ecology and Conservation. After a few years of gaining experience by working as a field technician throughout the U.S., Philipp revieved his Master of Science at the University of Florida studying the breeding ecology of Nordmann’s Greenshank and Common Redshank. |
About the Presentation :
Title: The Importance of Schaste Bay for Nordmann’s Greenshank and Common Redshank
As the EAAF is experiencing a rapid decline in waterbird abundance, the protection of key areas is critical. Schaste Bay, a coastal lagoon on Sea of Okhotsk coast, is one of these key areas. In particular it supports the nesting of Endangered Nordmann’s Greenshank, one of the rarest shorebirds in the world. Here a team of international ecologists studied their breeding phenology, nesting ecology, banded adults, tagged birds with GPS transmitters, and surveyed key areas. They also studied Common Redshank nesting habitat and how it may be impacted by anthropogenic activities.
Iwan Febrianto, EKSAI Foundation (interpreted by Ragil Rihardini)
In 2006 Iwan Febrianto started his birding journey and focusing on shorebirds since then. In 2008 he joined the expedition of shorebird and tern in North-West Australia. He became the Field Coordinator of the Global Health Program in the Wildlife Conservation Society. After his bird banding training in Icklesham, the United Kingdom in 2009, and some bird-banding activities, he got a license “A” for Bird Bander. In October 2018, he and his colleague, Cipto, founded EKSAI Foundation which focusing on wildlife conservation and currently focusing on shorebirds conservation in Indonesia. In EKSAI Foundation he became the leader of the Far Eastern Curlew Project in Indonesia in 2019 and 2020. |
About the presentation :
Title: Research on Far Eastern Curlew in Indonesia
EKSAI Foundation has been doing the conservation for Far Eastern Curlew species since 2019. In 2019 EKSAI did the survey and workshop for local stakeholders focusing on Far Eastern Curlew species. In 2020 EKSAI continue with survey for identify the important site used by Far Eastern Curlew in Sumatra Island, Indonesia. During their project, EKSAI Foundation actively involving local people and local researcher in their survey and did a discussion and advocacy with local department and government.
Interpreter :
Ragil S. Rihadini
EKSAI Foundation |
WMBD 2021 Webinar – “Sing, Fly, Soar – Like a Shorebird in EAA Flyway”