On 13th February 2020, students from a village near Anlung Pring Protected Landscape (AP) run for raising awareness to villagers about Sarus Crane and its conservation as well as for welcoming the Sarus Crane back to its non-breeding ground in Anlung Pring Protected Landscape (AP).
Covering an area of 217 ha, AP is located in the Kampong Trach District of Kampot Province and has become Cambodia’s first EAAFP Flyway Network Site (FNS) in 2019. The site consists main habitat of flooded grasslands with high density of Eleocharis communities, Melaleuca shrub, and pools which supporting a large array of biodiversity. The site supports more than 20000 migratory birds as their wintering ground and those migratory waterbirds including Sarus Crane, black-tailed Godwit, Garganey, common greenshank, black-winged stilt, etc. Besides that, AP is one of the main feeding areas for Sarus Crane Antigone antigone sharpii (Indochina) during their non-breeding season which holds around 20% of the regional population on an annual basis.
About 80 students and 10 villagers from Koh Chamka near AP participated in the run. The run was about 1 km from the village school to the AP station. It helped to raise the awareness of local people that Sarus Crane and other migratory birds returned to AP from their breeding ground and to call for protection of the birds. The run was co-organized by Ministry of Environment, WWT, BirdLife International Cambodia Programme and NatureLife Cambodia with participation from local school teachers, students, villagers as well as local authorities. All the participants to the run received eco-water bottles, Krama (a Cambodia traditional scarf) with Sarus Crane embroidery and a certificate of participation.