A series of radio shows by ABC and BBC with Ann Jones on shorebirds and the threats to them along the East Asian–Australasian Flyway (EAAF) is available this month.
Listen to the radio shows here:
- Life on the East Asian Flyway
- Background story: Flying for your life: The journey begins on Off Track
- Guests include: Chris Hassel (Global Flyway Network), Dr Eric Woehler (Birdlife Tasmania), Phil Straw (Australasian Wader Study Group), Richard Fuller (University of Queensland)
- Yellow Sea South
- Background story: Flying for your life: China’s new great wall
- Guests include: Spike Millington (East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership), Dr Nial Moores (Birds Korea), Nicola Crockford (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds)
- Yellow Sea North
- Background story: Flying for your life: An unlikely saviour
- Guests include: Spike Millington (EAAFP), Professor Lei Guanchun (Beijing Forestry University), Theunis Piersma (Global Flyway Network), David Melville (Ecologist), Terry Townsend (Birding Beijing)
- The Arctic
- Background story: Flying for your life: Birds without borders on Off Track
- Guests include: Dr Evgeny Syroechkovskiy (Birds Russia, EAAFP Spoon-billed Sandpiper Task Force Chair), Christoph Zockler (EAAFP Spoon-billed Sandpiper Task Force Coordinator), Roland Digby (Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust), Dr Nick Murray (The University of New South Wales), Lee Tibbits (United States Geological Survey), Adrian Riegen (Pukorokoro Miranda Shorebird Trust)
Relevant Links:
- ABC’s page for all the stories: Flying for their lives
- Shorebirds of the Flyway: BBC Radio and ABC Radio (Australia) Series (Birds Korea Blog)
- This former bird hunter is saving the species he once killed (an article about the third story)