Updates of worldwide avian influenza situation by FAO/EMPRES-AH (Sept-Dec 2021)
Posted on December 9, 2021Continue readingFAO/EMPRES-AH is constantly monitoring the avian influenza situation worldwide and compiles information from multiple national and international sources as well as peer-reviewed scientific articles. Close collaboration with country and regional offices, the implementation of avian influenza field surveillance projects, and networks of expertise like OIE/FAO’s OFFLU (www.offlu.org) provide access to timely information on outbreaks, surveillance […]
2021 Far Eastern Curlew national survey in RO Korea
Posted on December 9, 2021Continue readingFollowing the suggestion from the EAAFP Secretariat and Birds Korea in 2020 based on the ecological survey in the Hwaseong Wetlands Flyway Network Site (FNS) in 2020 and existing data from the National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR), three local governments in ROK, Hwaseong City, Seocheon County, Yeonsu District of Incheon City, initiated the Far […]
EAAFP Foundation released “Bird Meets Arts” Ep.6 Music
Posted on December 8, 2021Continue readingOn 5th November 2021, the last episode of <Bird Meets Arts> series has been uploaded, the collaboration between EAAFP Foundation and Yeonsu Foundation for Arts and Culture(YSFAC). The last episode is about music, reflecting the 2021 World Migratory Bird Day theme “Sing, Fly, Soar – Like a Bird”, which the idea of the <Bird Meets […]
2021 Incheon-Hong Kong International East Asian – Australasian Flyway Black-faced Spoonbill Conservation Cooperation Forum
Posted on December 8, 2021Continue reading2021 Incheon-Hong Kong International East Asian – Australasian Flyway Black-faced Spoonbill Conservation Cooperation Forum 17th of December, 2021 Friday 13:30-17:30 (KST) **NOTE: The Forum will be enclosed to the relevant invitees only.** To continue the collaboration under the EAAFP Sister Site agreement, “2021 Incheon-Hong Kong International East Asian – Australasian Flyway Black-faced Spoonbill Conservation Cooperation […]
Youth Think Tank Competition for EAA Flyway- 1st Training workshop
Posted on November 30, 2021Continue readingThe first training workshop of Youth Think Tank competition for EAA Flyway —Understanding global agenda for environment and how youth are engaged was held on 6th and 7th November 2021. The training workshop is in line with the Think Tank Competition, aiming to build capacity on wetland and migratory waterbirds conservation for youth. The two-days […]
What COP26 brought to EAAFP
Posted on November 30, 2021Continue readingFrom 31 October to 12 November 2021, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) was held in Glasgow, UK, co-hosted by the government of Italy. The key goals of COP26 were to “secure global net zero by mid-century and keep 1.5 degrees within reach; adapt to protect […]
Welcome Sarobetsu Wetland in Japan as new Flyway Network Site
Posted on November 29, 2021Continue readingOn 25th October 2021, the EAAFP and its Partners welcomed Sarobetsu Wetland in Japan as the new Flyway Network Site (EAAF 151). This also marks the 34th Flyway Network Site (FNS) in Japan and the 151th in EAAFP Flyway Site Network. As one of the northern-most FNS in Hokkaido, Japan, Sarobetsu Wetland serves as the gateway […]
2021 Inter – Korean Cultural Nature Heritage Policy Forum
Posted on November 29, 2021Continue readingThe 3rd Inter-Korean Cultural Nature Heritage Policy Forum was held on 7th October, 2021 under the theme of “Establishing a Foundation of the RO Korea and DPR Korea for the exchange and cooperation of cultural/ natural heritage”. Following the first forum which was launched in 2020, the goal this year was to identify the potential […]
2021 ICLC Global Citizen lifelong-learning Expo and Yeonsu Carbon Neutrality Declaration
Posted on November 26, 2021Continue readingⓒYeonsu-gu The 2021 International Conference on Learning Cities (ICLC) Global Citizen Lifelong-learning Expo was held on October 29th~30th, 2021 at the Songdo Convensia, Yeonsu District, Incheon, Ro Korea as a side event of the 5th UNESCO Learning Cities International Conference, hosted by the UNESCO Lifelong Learning Center. ⓒYeonsu-gu As the opening event of the Expo, […]
Birdwatching with GCF IEU interns – Namdong Reservoir
Posted on November 26, 2021Continue readingOn 3 November 2021, the Green Climate Fund Independent Evaluation Unit (GCF IEU) interns and EAAFP interns visited the Black-faced Spoonbill (BFS) Ecology Learning Centre, to learn about the threatened migratory species and to do birdwatching together at the Namdong Reservoir, near Songdo, Incheon, Ro Korea. The reservoir consists of two islands, one artificial island […]