First EAAFP Conservation Status Review (CSR1) consultation draft update webinar
Posted on April 25, 2022Continue readingFollowing the MOP 10 adopted Decision 12 “Development of a Conservation Status Review of Migratory Waterbird Populations for the EAAFP” in 2018, the first EAAFP Conservation Status Review (CSR1) was kicked off on 8th April 2021, to ensure researchers, government agencies, conservationists and other stakeholders can get access to up-to-date information of waterbird population estimate. After one year of […]
New study says protected areas don’t always boost biodiversity: management is crucial
Posted on April 25, 2022Continue readingThe impact on wildlife of designating protected areas such as national parks varies, according to the largest ever global study of their effects on waterbirds. The findings show that managing parks to protect species and their habitats is crucial – and without such management, parks are more likely to be ineffective. Later this year world […]
At the Nakdong Estuary FNS, river flowing freely for the first time in 35 years
Posted on April 25, 2022Continue readingSitting in the River mouth of Nakdong River, one of the largest rivers in RO Korea, Nakdong Estuary Flyway Network Site (EAAF097, SIS), located in Busan Metropolitan City in RO Korea, has joined the Flyway Site Network since 2009. The Nakdong Estuary consists of sandy shores, estuarine waters, intertidal marshes, and artificial wetlands. There are internally […]
Citizen Scientists in Republic of Korea Monitor Birds in River and Streams
Posted on April 25, 2022Continue readingOn 5th February 2022, on occasion of World Wetlands Day, the Korea Network for River and Watershed hosted the 3rd Citizen Monitoring of Migratory Birds along rivers and streams in the Ro Korea, with 223 attendees from 50 organizations for stream & river conservation. The Korea Network for River and Watershed (KNRW) was formed on […]
Envisioning Roadmap of the Gochang Tidal Flat World Heritage Site management
Posted on April 18, 2022Continue readingTo further develop the roadmap for advancing management of Gochang Tidal Flat after its designation as a World Heritage Site in Ro Korea, a 2-day technical workshop for the Gochang Tidal Flat World Heritage site took place in Ramsar Gochang Tidal Flat Center in Gochang County on 6th – 7th April, 2022. Experts, key stakeholders […]
Recent mass mortality of Dalmatian Pelican in Greece raises alarm over diseases as threats to birds in the EAAF
Posted on April 11, 2022Continue readingIn mid-February 2022, researchers at Prespa National Park, Greece, began to observe massive die-offs of Dalmatian Pelicans returning to breed at Lesser Prespa Lake. The Lesser Prespa Lake has the largest breeding colony of this species on earth. On March 3, the death toll was 574, and on March 30 it reached 1,413 birds. The […]
Endangered Black-faced Spoonbill breaking the record of over 6000
Posted on April 8, 2022Continue readingEAAFP Black-faced Spoonbill Working Group reported another record high of 6,162 for the global population of Black-faced Spoonbills (Endangered under IUCN Red List), with an increase of 18% (i.e. 940 individuals) compared to last year (5,222 individuals in 2021), based on the results of the International Black-faced Spoonbill Census 2022. The census was conducted from […]
The launch of the Incheon Red-crowned Cranes Network, based on the scientific evidence provided by civil monitoring (RO Korea)
Posted on March 31, 2022Continue readingThe Incheon Red-crowned Crane Network, which aims to conserve Red-crowned Crane, a “messenger of peace” and a “symbol bird of Incheon,” has started full-fledged action in Ganghwa County in Incheon, RO Korea, since 22nd January, 2022. More than 70 participants, attended its launching event, including chairs and members from 14 organizations such as Incheon Council […]
Seabird Training Webinars for Southeast Asia
Posted on March 31, 2022Continue readingThe Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (HKBWS, an EAAFP Partner) has been engaging with an international team established for the conservation of the Critically Endangered Chinese Crested Tern since 2009. Since 2016, the team started fieldwork in the wintering ground of the Chinese Crested Tern in Maluku, eastern Indonesia. From 2018 satellite tracking of Greater […]
EAAFP Secretariat visited Ulsan Migratory Bird Center, and Climate Energy Promoting Citizens’ Forum
Posted on March 28, 2022Continue readingOn 15th March, following the donation ceremony with Hyundai Motor Company, Ms. Yoon Lee, External Relations Manager of EAAFP Secretariat and two EAAFP Foundation colleagues (Ms. Jisun Lee-Foundation Coordinator and Ms. Yeonju Park-ER/Foundation Assistant) made a visit to the Ulsan Migratory Bird Center and had a meeting with Mr. Chang-hyun Park, Director of the center […]