• Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve – Singapore invites public visitors to World Migratory Bird Day celebration

    On 12 May 2012, over 300 visitors passed through the gates of Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve and viewed the Migratory shorebird species photograph exhibition, learnt from the talks about SBWR and shorebird conservation programme and the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP). Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, National Parks Board Singapore, celebrated World Migratory Bird Day with […]

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  • Australia government celebrated World Migratory Bird Day by hosting a special presentation

    On 15th of May, the Australian Government celebrated World Migratory Bird Day by hosting a special lunchtime presentation in Canberra from Dr. Richard Fuller of the University of Queensland. Dr. Fuller presented results from research (partly funded by the Australian Government through an Australian Research Council Linkage Grant) that confirmed rapid declines in Australia’s migratory […]

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  • Mongolia government celebrated World Migratory Bird Day at Khurkh Khuiten Valley

    Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism of Mongolia celebrated World Migratory Bird Day by holding two events in Khurkh Khuiten Valley which joined EAA Flyway Network Site in 2003. The Khurkh Khuiten Valley is internationally important crane habitat such as Demoiselle Crane (Grus virgo), Eurasian Crane (Grus grus) and White-naped Crane (Grus vipio). Mongolia government […]

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  • Mongolia celebrates World Migratory Bird Day 2012 in Ulaanbaatar on 11-13 May 2012

    The National University of Mongolia and Mongolian Ornithological Society (MOS) organised several small events to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day in collaboration with the Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism of Mongolia and Natural History Museum of Mongolia, EAAFP Secretariat, UNEP/CMS Secretariat and Steppe Forward on 11-13 May 2012. More than 60 participants belonging to […]

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  • EAAFP welcomes Spike Millington as new Chief Executive

    Spike Millington took up the post of Chief Executive Officer of EAAFP Secretariat as of 16th May 2012. Spike has a lifelong interest in birds and their conservation, dating back to his childhood in England. He spent the last year in Washington helping USAID develop its global biodiversity strategy. For the previous ten years he […]

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  • Birding and Ecotourism having a positive economic impact on the local economy, reported by Mai Po Center, WWF-Hong Kong

    WWF-Hong Kong recently introduced a new wetland management ambassador programme for local youngsters. The “Wetlander” programme brings children aged 8 to 18 together to undertake learning activities in a variety of wetland habitats. The three-day programme includes a series of interactive activities and field visits carried out at wetland sites including the Mai Po Nature […]

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  • Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, SINGAPORE

      Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve in Singapore joined the EAA Flyway Site Network as its 73th site on 20 June 2002. The site is Singapore’s first network site and hosts appreciable numbers of migratory shorebirds during the northern winter. Shorebirds have been counted regularly at the wetland since 1990 providing information on the abundance, species […]

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  • World Wetlands Day & World Migratory Bird Day 2012 Celebration at Bako-Buntal Bay, Malaysia

    The Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) organised an event, World Wetlands Day (WWD) & World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) 2012, in collaboration with Kampung Bako’s Village Security and Development Committee on 11-12 February 2012 with support from the Ministry of Environment of Japan and BirdLife Asia Division. The event was attended by well over 50 people. […]

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  • 목포환경련, 호주서 목포 5,000여km 날아온 ‘큰뒷부리도요’확인

    [한국타임즈 정승임 기자]   도요·물떼새는 갯벌의 건강성을 가늠케 하는 갯벌생태지표종으로 겨울을 호주나 뉴질랜드에서 보내고 여름철을 번식지인 러시아 일대에서 보내기 위해 이동하는 도중 봄과 가을에 한시적으로 한반도를 거쳐 가는 나그네새이다.  큰뒷부리도요(사진)는 대표적인 도요새의 한 종류로 개체의 크기가 40cm에 이르는 대형종이다. 현재 남항매립지 인근 갯벌에는 큰뒷부리도요 무리가 관찰되는데 그중 호주에서 이동해 온 밴딩한 개체가 모두 3마리(3V, XA, […]

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  • Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day 2012

    World Migratory Bird Day is a global, annual awareness campaign to promote the conservation of migratory birds and their habitats worldwide. According to WMBD team in Germany, over 140 events have already registered for World Migratory Bird Day 2012. Join the celebration by organising bird-watching events, educational programmes, lectures, competitions and other public events. It […]

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