World Migratory Bird Day 2023 highlights impact of the growing water crisis on migratory birds
Posted on May 11, 2023Continue readingBOULDER/BONN/INCHEON, 13 May 2023 – Water and its importance to migratory birds – and the increasing threats to both water quality and quantity – is the focus of this year’s World Migratory Bird Day, a global campaign that aims to raise awareness of migratory birds and the need for international cooperation to conserve them. Activities […]
Shorebird Working Group: Moving Forward for Successful Conservation
Posted on May 11, 2023Continue readingThe EAAFP’s Shorebird Working Group (SWG) was established to promote, facilitate, and coordinate shorebird conservation, management, education and research activities within the EAAF and to improve communication between shorebird specialists and managers in the flyway. On 27th April, 2023, the SWG conducted its first Core Team meeting (virtually). This meeting was the first get-together for […]
Establishment and Coordination of the EAAF Shorebird Migration Tracking Group
Posted on May 10, 2023Continue readingEAAFP Small Grant Fund project by Ying Chi Chan University of Groningen Banding shorebirds as a means of understanding their movements has been conducted in the EAAF for several decades. Nowadays, an increasing number of people all along the flyway contribute to this effort by reporting sightings of previously tagged birds (e.g., Lagassé et al. […]
2023 Ulsan Symposium for Migratory Birds
Posted on May 10, 2023Continue readingThe EAAFP Secretariat is pleased to invite you to the 2023 Ulsan Symposium for Migratory Birds which will be held on 11 May under the theme “Migratory birds of Taehwa River and their habitat conservation plan. Co-hosted by the EAAFP Secretariat and Ulsan Metropolitan City, and sponsored by Korea Zinc Company Ltd., Kyungdong City Gas […]
Come Fly with Sacha Dench, Human Swan -to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day
Posted on May 6, 2023Continue readingBrief Introduction Have you thought of flying with the migratory waterbirds, and even helping to save them from extinction? The theme of World Migratory Bird Day 2023 “Water: Sustaining Bird Life” highlights the importance of water for migratory birds and identifies key actions for protecting water resources and aquatic ecosystems. On 12 May, we are […]
HKBWS Asia Conservation Fund 2023-2024 applications are now open
Posted on May 3, 2023Continue readingHKBWS Asia Conservation Fund supports research, monitoring, education and capacity building for bird conservation in the region, with a higher priority given to i) projects that target species that occur in Hong Kong or on the East Asian-Australasian Flyway; and ii) projects that assist the relevant country in meeting Aichi Biodiversity Targets and implementing its action plan. […]
EAAFP Secretariat visited Partner and Flyway Network Site in New Zealand
Posted on April 28, 2023Continue readingBetween 20th and 24th March, 2023, A team from EAAFP Secretariat, together with Hanns Seidel Foundation visited Robert Findlay Wildlife Reserve, Firth of Thames, Flyway Network Site in New Zealand, companied by our Partner, Pukorokoro Miranda Naturalist Trust (PMNT). The visit allowed the EAAFP team and Partners to know more about the site, and work […]
Gochang Big Bird Race 2023 brought birdwatchers to contribute bird data to the UNESCO World Heritage Site
Posted on April 28, 2023Continue readingFrom 21st to 23rd April 2023, the 2nd Gochang Big Bird Race (BBR), the biggest ever in Republic of Korea was successfully held to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of Gochang Getbol (Tidal Flat) designation as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site. The BBR was hosted by Gochang County, Jeollabuk-Province, and Cultural Heritage Administration and organized […]
EAAFP Foundation protects Sura Tidal Flat with Film
Posted on April 28, 2023Special Screening Continue readingOn April 15, a special screening of the film <Sura> organized by EAAFP was held at Incheon Yeonsu CGV in Songdo, Republic of Korea, to raise awareness of the protection of Sura Tidal Flat, the last piece of wetland remained in Saemanguem. About 90 participants from educational institutions, local governments, international organizations, civic groups, students, […]
A brief summary of Bird Ringing in Mongolia in 2021-2022
Posted on April 28, 2023Continue readingBird ringing is a crucial method for monitoring bird populations and raising public awareness about conservation efforts. Mongolia is located on three major flyways (East Asian-Australasian Flyway, Central Asian Flyway, and West Pacific Flyway) for migratory birds, and the Wildlife Science and Conservation Center (WSCC) aims to study and monitor bird populations using all […]