Organisation Structure
- Partners – meet regularly to report against an Implementation Strategy, respond to emerging issues and priorities and discuss future collaboration.
- Committees - EAAFP has several committees in the Partnership’s governance body, to effectively achieve the objectives of EAAFP.
- Working Groups exist for Shorebirds, Anatidae, Cranes, Seabirds, Avian Influenza, Black-faced Spoonbill and CEPA. These groups liaise out of session and report against their Terms of Reference at partnership meetings. View contact details of the Working Groups.
- Task Forces exist for Monitoring of waterbird populations and sites, Coordination of colour marking, Yellow Sea Ecoregion, Amur-Heilong Basin, Review of Network site criteria and population estimates, Spoon-billed Sandpiper and Scaly-sided Merganser. These task forces liaise out of session and report against their Terms of Reference at partnership meetings. View contact details of the Task Forces.
- The Chair rotates among partners biennially. USA is the current Chair and Singapore is the current Vice-Chair.
- The Secretariat is located in Republic of Korea. View contact details of the Secretariat.
How to Join
- The partnership is open to new partners. Governments, international NGOs, inter-governmental agencies and international business sectors interested in joining should contact the Secretariat.
- Access the Become a Partner page for more information on the procedures for membership and the benefits of joining.