In early May, the Partnership Chair (Australian Government) accepted the offer by Wetlands International – Oceania to host the Secretariat for the Flyway Partnership until the 3rd meeting of Partners. Wetlands International – Oceania has contracted Ms Maki Koyama to be the Secretariat working under the guidance of the Partnership Chair.
Ms. Koyama has been involved in a number of activities relevant to the position. She was involved in organizing a meeting to develop the EAAF Partnership in 2004 at Seosan, Korea. She has also been involved in various CITES meetings in the 1990s either as a staff member of the CITES Secretariat or part of the delegation of the Japanese Government.
In the lead up to the next Meeting of Partners Ms Koyama will be in communication with Partners and assist in facilitating the work of people involved in this Flyway Partnership leading up to the next MoP.