The terms of the Republic of Korea as Partnership Chair and Japan as Vice-Chair concluded in June 2011 and these roles have been transferred to Cambodia (new Chair) and China (Vice-Chair) for a period of two years (24 months). H.E Dr. Yin Kim Sean, the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Environment (Vice Minister) of Cambodia will take up the Chair position and Dr. Srey Sunleang, Director of Department of Wetlands and Coastal Zones will be the contact point for communication. See contact details
The Membership of the Secretariat’s Management Committee has also changed in June 2011. Following the Terms of Reference for the Secretariat’s Management Committee adopted by Partners at MoP5, the members now are:
- Cambodia (as Partnership Chair; new member)
- China (as Vice-Chair; new)
- Republic of Korea (as Host of Secretariat; ongoing)
- Convention on Migratory Species (as an Inter-governmental Organization; ongoing)
- International Crane Foundation (as an NGO Partner; ongoing)
- BirdLife International (as an NGO Partner; new)
- Indonesia (as an additional Government Partner; new member).