In Mongolia, bird ringing activities started relatively recently. The first stationary bird ringing scheme was established in 2015 by Wildlife Science and Conservation Center of Mongolia (WSCC) at the Khurkh Bird Ringing Station (Khurkh BRS). Since then, the network of Mongolian bird ringing stations is growing gradually, and today there are three bird ringing stations operating in Mongolia. Though, the project is fully depended on our invaluable overseas and local volunteers to run these stations. WSCC will be eternally grateful for their devotion. The objective of the bird ringing stations in Mongolia is to carry out a long-term bird migration monitoring study in the country and make scientific contribution to the regional bird research and conservation initiatives. In addition, the programme aims to provide hands-on field training opportunity for a young generation of biologists in the country.
The year of 2020 was a very though time for us. Global pandemic has deeply impacted our normal operation and precluded oversees volunteers to join us in 2020. As a result, the project team suffered from a shortage of manpower and had to cancel our activities at Khovd BRS. They completed the 2020 field season with only Mongolian teams at two sites in Khurkh and Dariganga. But WSCC are planning to re-open the Khovd BRS in 2021 with the help of students from Khovd University. This report contains results from 2020 bird ringing activities at the Khurkh and Dariganga bird ringing stations.
Extract of results in 2020
Shorebird leg-flagging During the 2020 field season, the project team caught and ringed 14 shorebirds of 5 species at Khurkh BRS and a further 26 individuals of 6 species at Dariganga BRS. As before, the team coordinated our shorebird leg-flagging activities with the shorebird experts of the East Asia-Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) and many other wader researchers in the region. This year was our fourth year using leg-flags for shorebirds in the country. Please watch out any blue/ green flagged birds and report to Wildlife Science And Conservation Center Of Mongolia.
Download the report [here]
For more details and report of legflag or ring resightings:
Contact Wildlife Science And Conservation Center Of Mongolia
Email: [email protected]