The World Wetlands Day (WWD) is celebrated worldwide on the 2nd February each year. The date has been adopted during the Convention on Wetlands in 1971 at Ramsar, Iran. Today, Kuala Selangor Nature Park (KSNP) celebrates WWD at the KSNP Amphitheatre with the collaboration of government agencies, NGOs, University and community groups.
2013’s slogan, “Wetlands Take Care of Water”, was geared to raise the public awareness of the interdependence between water and wetlands as well as to promote the responsible use of water and ways to reduce our water footprint.
In conjunction with WWD2013, the organizer, Malaysian Nature Society supported by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Higher Education, Majlis Daerah Kuala Selangor, Lembaga Urus Air Selangor, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and corporate supporters such as Ricoh, VIVE and HSBC, aim to generate awareness for the local community and members of the public on our precious wetlands especially Kuala Selangor Nature Park which is critical to human health and the overall well being of our society.