Translation of the Original Source: Kumsugangsan, December 2020

ⓒNial Moores/Birds Korea

ⓒ Kumsugangsan (December 2020)
The Kumya Wetland Reserve, located in Geumya-gun of Hamgyeongnam-do has a beautiful landscape filled with the sound of chirping birds. The reserve sits at the estuary of the Geumya-gang river and the Deukj-gang river and is a habitat of more than 200 migratory waterbirds of the East-Asian Australasian flyway. 10 globally threatened species such as the Siberian Crane and Swan Goose rely on the site as a habitat, with waterbirds such as the Greater White-fronted Goose, Hooded Crane, and Whopper Swan using the site as feeding grounds. Numerous migratory waterbirds fly over to the Kumya Wetland Reserve due to its rich biodiversity. In 1995, 2000ha of the Korean East Sea Central Coast was designated as a migratory reserve, and the DPRK has made it a priority to protect the ecosystem of this wide region. Nationally, activities that can degrade or pollute the area are prohibited, such as land clearing for agriculture. Restrictions posed on the site help protect the diversity of the site, and special attention is also devoted to protecting the invertebrates the migratory birds feed on. In addition to restoring sites that have been damaged by natural disasters, DPRK is also promoting the growth of fisheries to ensure that the birds have an abundant food supply. The government is also working to conserve plant species such as the extensive reed plants that cover the wetland, creating the ideal resting site for the migratory birds.
The Kumya Reserve, in recognition for its international importance for the conservation of migratory waterbirds, became designated as a site in the East Asian Crane Network in 1999 and a site in the East Asian Australasian Flyway Network in 2018. More information about the site can be found here.