On 31 October, Green Korea Incheon from Ro Korea hosted its 27th anniversary celebration. It is a special event as it combined a marine litter clean-up volunteer activity at Songdo Protected Area. Green Korea is a civil society organization established in 1991 which aims at building a sustainable green society in harmony with all citizens of Ro Korea. Their activity focuses on conservation of wetlands, marine ecosystem and wildlife, renewable energy as well as raising awareness of citizens. Green Korea Incheon is also an active member of East Asian Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) Incheon-Gyeonggi Task Force, and it worked with EAAFP Secretariat to promote World Migratory Bird Day in 2019.
Themed at “Yes, Green”, the 27th anniversary event embraced a hope of transition to new normal, while the global society is suffering from COVID-19, climate change and garbage problem. Six tons of garbage was cleaned up by the volunteers at Songdo and Gojan wetlands from 30 to 31 October.
During the celebration ceremony, there was an award-presentation to citizens who have contributed to nature conservation in Incheon. This year, reporter Mr. Sunmin Lee from Incheon Ilbo and Incheon Port Authority Port Environment Department received 2020 Green Award, acknowledged their contribution and efforts in conservation of nature in Incheon.
EAAFP Secretariat staffs attended the event to celebrate and support their work on environment conservation and green society. Mr. Minjong Jeon, Deputy of EAAFP Secretariat delivered congratulatory remark that emphasizes citizen’s sincere interest in nature conservation and the way to pursue green life in harmony with nature.
“We are urged our deep interest in protecting nature and this opportunity gave us to look back on us what we’ve done with waste discharge and how we should make green society ahead. I also hope Incheon City always head toward to resolve any environmental issues and building green and healthy Incheon society.” said Mr. Jeon.