On the occasion of World Shorebird Day 2018, an international symposium is being held in Hwaseong City (RO Korea) to highlight the importance of the Hwaseong tidal-flats for coastal fisheries such as clam collection and migratory waterbirds, and the benefits of designating the site as a conservation area. EAAFP has sponsored the event as the surrounding sites support some 50,000 shorebirds, including significant global populations of endangered species such as the Great Knot (11%) and the Far Eastern Curlew (2%). It could be considered as a potential Flyway Network Site.
The workshop was attended by the Mayor of Hwaseong City, Mr. Cheol-Mo Seo, and the Legislator Ms. Song Ok-ju, as well as representatives from international and national NGOs, waterbird experts and members of the local community.
Lew Young, Chief Executive of the EAAFP Secretariat kicked off the first session by introducing the EAAFP and importance of the protection of the tidal flat in RO Korea as a part of Yellow/West Sea. The representatives of Birdlife Australia, Birds Korea, Japanese Association for Wild Geese Protection, Suncheon Bay Wetlands Committees and local fisheries communities gave presentations. (programme). The final declaration agreed to come up with practical measures to protect the Hwaseong tidal flats permanently.
Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/eaafp/albums/72157673407444988
Relevant article: Bilatoral meeting with the mayor of Hwaseong City
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOZiBiWHvio
Description – This short video was prepared for the “Great Flight of Shorebirds” Symposium in Hwaseong City, Republic of Korea, held on September 6th 2018, World Shorebirds Day. Filmed by Jung Hanchul of Hwaseong KFEM, edited by Jung Sungtae and Bok Jinoh, and with script and narration by Dr Nial Moores of Birds Korea, the video helps to reveal the Ramsar-defined international importance of Hwaseong’s tidal flats and reclamation lake. Once a vast intertidal wetland known as Namyang Bay, much of what remains at Hwaseong is still threatened by further large-scale reclamation, a proposed air-base and by industrial sprawl. For more on the Hwaseong wetlands and efforts to conserve to the area in Korean, please visit the website of Hwaseong KFEM (http://www.greenhs.or.kr ); and for more in English, please visit the Birds Korea blog (http://www.birdskoreablog.org/) and Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/birdskorea/).