GOOSE BULLETIN issue 30 (November 2024) has published.

The article on the Bar-headed Goose Workshop and Hands-on Training held in Monglia has contributed by Dr. Hyun-Ah Choi at Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea, in collaboration with Minjae Baek, Communications Officer at the EAAFP Secretariat.

This is the official bulletin of the Goose Specialist Group of Wetlands International and IUCN.

GOOSE BULLETIN appears as required, but at least once a year in electronic form.
The bulletin aims to improve communication and exchange information amongst goose researchers throughout the world. It publishes contributions covering goose research and monitoring projects, project proposals, status and progress reports, information about new literature concerning geese, as well as regular reports and information from the Goose Database.
Contributions for the GOOSE BULLETIN are welcomed from all members of the Goose Specialist Group and should be sent as a Word-file to the Editor-in-chief.
Authors of named contributions in the GOOSE BULLETIN are personally responsible for the contents of their contribution, which do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial Board or the Goose Specialist Group.

Editor-in chief: Johan Mooij ([email protected])
Biologische Station im Kreis Wesel
Freybergweg 9, D-46483 Wesel (Germany)

Editorial board: Fred Cottaar, Carl Mitchell,
Johan Mooij, Berend Voslamber

Goose Specialist Group of Wetlands International and IUCN
Board: Thomas Lameris (chair), Petr Glazov (co-chair), Tony Fox, Alexander Kondratyev,
Johan Mooij, Sander Moonen, Julius Morkünas, Ingunn Tombre

Global coordinator: Petr Glazov
Regional coordinator North America: Ray Alisauskas (Canada)
Regional coordinator East Asia: Masayuki Kurechi Wakayanagi (Japan)


ISSN: 1879-517X

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